Simple Pattern

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Addolorata tightened the bow around her thin neck while pushing aside her long red hair.

She sighed as she gave herself a once over, just to make sure, looking in her large full body mirror. 

The dress was as simple as she could allow, anything less and it would simply be family wear or sleep wear.

The bell-like sleeves of her white under shirt, the vest patterned with dark and light grey stripes, along with the skirt and the small simple tie around her waist that was tucked under the butler esque vest, all matching the dark tone she was going for perfectly.

Holding up the fabric of the dress in her arms, she pulled up her bloomers, over her black opaque stockings, to give her dress that extra poof her two sets of black petticoats couldn't do already.

Finally buttoning the top part of her vest she smiled and turned away from the mirror, her flat, kitten buckled Mary Jane's smile up at her as she slipped them on. 

The shoes had a black base to them with little kitten ears and eyes painted onto them, looking up at you with a happy glimmer in their little fake eyes.

Adjusting her stockings and making sure everything was in order, she grabbed her house key, pushing her hair over her shoulder and brushing it behind her ears.

Coming face to face with an empty hallway she kept her smile and looked at her phone stepping out into the hall and slamming the door. 

Quickly locking it she began to walk down the hallway, down to the elevator which was the only way for her to get to her apartment from the lobby downstairs, other then the fire emergency exit located at the other end or outside her living room window. 

The elevator, the only one that went directly into her main room with a lounge area. 

The lounge room was large, a small step down at the end two inches from the dead stop of the hall. 

The small two quarter sized drop was a wrapped around area that had four chairs, both which had a small coffee table between the both on either side and a bunch of new magazines, which she fixed every two years with the newest ones for fashion.

Addolorata strolled over to the elevator doors, pressing the down button and stepping back as she rocked on her heels, backwards and forwards.

Biting her inner lip she slipped down her hand to the floor picking up the plain black backpack and then slipped her phone and key into the front zipper pocket. Tugging it onto her back as the elevator doors opened with two men in suits inside, shades set on their heads, one leaned against the wall and the other stood straight.

"Ciao Trainor! Ciao Gene!" She said, always so happy in the morning. 

With a smile on her face she stepped into the elevator and put her back to the far wall. The smile on her face stayed as the elevator door closed. 

"Your father will be there for the science fair on Thursday, your father will also be leaving early due to business," said the man on her left.

Addolorata's head didn't move as she spoke, nor did her eyes. 

"Sí! Daddy's coming to school! And I hope he brings his work buddies along, I'm sure they will love my project, don't you think Gene?" She said inclining the man to her right to speak. 

"I'm sure they will miss Addolorata, you spent good hours on your project" he told her, pushing up his glasses. 

Addolorata had always had an odd relationship with her father and his group of workers. While she was off limits to them, she didn't bother to stop demanding things from them and calling them good buddies of her own.

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