Epilogue 2

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Addolorata felt god awful

She had spent the past two weeks having to pick up after her kids while Senew was out with her father.

Not to mention having to drop the kids off at school (of course she was accompanied by some guards because of her status), then had to come back home, fix something to eat, clean, go work, then pick them up and watch them till they fall asleep.

But that was when the kids were in school!

Because of summer, it was worse

"As if today couldn't be anymore overwhelming" she muttered as she flopped down onto her bed with a lack of elegancy.

She had finally figured out why her mother never liked kids, nor why her dad didn't stay around much.

She had long abandoned her dress to lay in her underwear at the afternoon, two hours after lunch.

Her feet were sore from stepping on toys, arms and legs needing a break from gravity as she had been pulled around all day by her kids when they came back from daycare.

Addolorata was now being to hate summer time as a whole with kids around.

"MOOOMMY!" Rolling over, Addolorata face planted into her pillow, screaming into it before getting off her bed and storming through the apartment.

On her way from her room, she grabbed a coat and sliding it on, but not bothering to button it.

Crossing the large hall she slammed open the door to her children's playroom

A room that was filled with expensive items she spoiled them with

"WHAT!?" She barked, clearly tired and in need of a break.

In the middle of the room sat a pair of twins, both with strawberry blonde hair that looked like blonde faintly dyed with red, the color of a strawberry when finally showing color.

The kids were a set of fraternal twins, one boy and one girl.

Addolorata didn't want anymore kids after these two, she was sure of it

The girl, a blue eyed tomboy, was holding onto a handful of her brothers hair as he whined and tried to push her off from keeping him pinned down.

The boy, a hazel eyes sweetheart, was currently crying for his sister to get off of him while trying to get her to let go of his long hair.

Addolorata groaned loudly, walking over and pulling her daughter off of her brother, then setting her down and picking up her son.

"Ryan, next time, just punch your sister" Stated Addolorata, already knowing bruises would be formed the next day.

Thank God tomorrow was their first day of second grade

And thank God Addolorata had gotten taller over the years of having them

"But I don't waaaanna!" Sobbed Ryan, hugging his mother's neck.

"I don't wanna hurt Cheri!" Ryan buried his face in the crook of Addolorata's neck, listening to her sigh as she looked at her daughter.

"Cheri, why must you beat the shit out of your brother?" Cheri crossed her arms, angry and prone to punch things as always.

"He told me that he was your favorite! And that wasn't true, I am! Right momma?" Cheri walked over and hugged Addolorata's waist, burying her face into Addolorata's stomach.

Sighing and petting her daughters hair, Annabelle set down Ryan.

"To be honest, it's hard for me to choose.." she didn't want to finish that statement, she would prefer not to be her mother in this situation.

"Just wait till your dad gets home, then we'll see what happens, for now, both of you just go to your rooms for an hour or two" Addolorata watched them both slink off to their bedrooms, which were next door to each other with most likely, a small door connecting it.

The twins always liked to make secret hide outs and spaces

Didn't matter how many times Addolorata told them, they only seemed to care if she got angry

Always telling them to not use them, to keep them for emergencies

They never listened

But she knew it was a learning process

They were her children, she wanted them to grow up with a mother, a better mother than hers

And to have Senew help raise them like a decent father, made everything better in her ideal life.

But enough of her sweet life, she really wanted some sleep

"I think I'm just going to order take out for once" she muttered, slowly walking back to the living room and sitting down on the soft loveseat couch.

She was already dozing off

Half way through falling asleep, with her eyes dropping and her head sliding forward and her body with it, the doorbell rang.

Letting out a snort and a gasp, Addolorata jumped to her feet, sudden panic in her

Took her a moment to calm down

"I swear, if it's some fuckin worker of mine, I am going to shove a TV remote up their ass!" She hissed, storming to the door and pulling it open.

She half expected to see someone, or nothing, instead she saw Senew who looked surprised

"Addolorata! You look......." Addolorata glared at him.

"Finish that and I castrate you" she spat, watching him shuffle into the apartment as she slammed the door.

"Where are the ki-" he was cut off by Addolorata putting her forehead against his chest.

"Uh... darling is everything ok?" Addolorata sighed, tugging at his shirt.

"I'm tired, my feet hurt, my legs are ready to give out, and I really want to have sex, please watch the kids while I pass out for the next two months" Senew sighed and smiled, picking up his short wife as she leaned against his shoulder, still holding his shirt.

He turned on his heel, his boots thumping on the wood floor as he headed up a little flight of stairs, towards the end of the hall to the bedroom they shared.

Opening the door quietly, he set her down on the large round bed, setting the red blanket over her and allowing her to hug his pillow for comfort.

He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead

"Sleep all you need my love, I'll take over now" he whispered, before leaving the room and quietly, shutting the door.

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