Daddy discussion

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"What's wrong with calling him daddy?" Asked Addolorata, confused when Senew told her not to call her father that.

"It' you...." Senew didn't know how to even start this discussion.

Of course Addolorata was already going to be running late due to her own ignorance over a lunch time.

"Do I what?"

"Do you even know what that means?" Addolorata looked puzzled.

"It's another name for dad, it's simple and catchy" she stated, her nose scrunched.

"Where did you even hear that word?" Asked Senew.

"I've always called him that, he never told me it was wrong" stated Addolorata, still confused.

"Kid that's...that's not the point!"

"Then what is?"


"God your so thick headed- what's the point of this conversation then?"

Senew scrunched up his face, clearly both in anger and confusion.

"Look kid, my point is that people don't normally call grown ass men 'daddy' in public" Addolorata crossed her arms.

"But he's my dad!" Senew groaned.

"You both look nothing alike! People get the wrong idea!"

"Then they would think he's my step-dad!"

"No, no they wouldn't!"

"Then what?!" Addolorata threw her arms in the air in frustration.

"They would think your both having sex!"

Addolorata and Senew both froze, staring at each other, eyes growing wide.

Addolorata's cheeks grew warm, she became flustered and embarrassed.

"W....what?!" She seemed so surprised.

"Why would they...who would-"

"Kid, people are into a lot of fucked up shit" Addolorata continued to stare in disbelief.

"It's a...kink" Addolorata didn't speak.

"You a...thing you do.....during- Kid please stop looking at me like that"

Addolorata's face was blank, horrified inside her own mind and eyes.

She suddenly reached out, grabbing hold of his shirt.

"You sir, are going to explain this shit to me right now" she hissed, pulling him closer to her face as she sat on his lap, the car still twisting and turning on the busy streets.

"" Senew began to sweat, uncomfortable in both position and situation.

"Spit it out!" She hissed, shaking him slightly as she gripped the collar of his shirt.

"Well you see, it's also used for other things"

"Go on..."

"Sugar daddy's?"

"Money whores" Senew blinked before speaking again.

"Dominant daddy slash uh....little girl" he mumbled the last of that sentence.

"Perverted old men and psycho teens!" Addolorata retorted, disgust on her face.

"I think it's also one for little boy..."

"Still perverted!" Addolorata paused.

"How do you know all of this?" Senew suddenly froze, he did not want to explain his sex life to Addolorata.

Senew had dated a lot of crazy, sometimes one night stands we're even stranger when he didn't go to his house for it.

"Well you see uh" Addolorata shook her head.

"Either spit it out or I make it come out" she threatened, slipping out a knife from her stocking.

"Addolorata, put the knife down"

"No" she narrowed her eyes.


"Absolutely not, fix your tone"

"I don't have a tone"

"You talk like I'm a child" Senew clicked his tounge.

"It's hard not to considering you-" Addolorata held the knife to Senew's throat.

"Don't, finish that" Senew raised his hands.

"Now tell me" Addolorata hissed, glaring harshly at him

Senew did not want to mention all that crazy.

He was sure Addolorata would go bat shit if she found out about all those failed relationships, most ending with him getting slapped or kicked in the junk.

"I'm waiting"

"Addolorata the car stopped"

"I'm not leaving till you tell me"

"Addolorata you have school!"


"You honestly wanna hear don't you"

"I have time, I can just get someone to do my homework, the teachers won't notice"

"Seriously? You don't do your own homework?"

"I do, I just don't write it, my wrist grows sore because they say in print, not cursive!" She flipped her hair off her shoulder.

"It's stupid! None of those teachers can read my handwriting! And mine is clean as my hair!" She twirled it around her finger before dragging her hand down, letting the strands slither off like a snake.

"Now" she pressed the knife against his neck.


"Ok! Just put down the knife!"

"You say put down the knife, I stay start talking or I send you to the hospital!"

"UUUUGH" Senew rammed his head against the rest of the seat, feeling the thump and sound of hair against the hard-ish surface.

"So let me get this straight, you dated a stripper?" Addolorata asked curiously, sipping on her drink.

She and Senew had taken to going somewhere else, seeing as Addolorata didn't want to leave him alone till he finished talking about his knowledge gain.

"Yes... unfortunately" he muttered, chewing on a donut.

They had both gone to a local cafe, which of course Addolorata often frequently went to and apparently got her normal.

A medium rainbow colored smoothy with several multi colored frosted and glazed donuts, all covered in sprinkles.

Senew had taking to snacking on them while he talked, mostly to blur a lot of what he said and to feed his sudden hunger as he watched Addolorata's small lips wrap themselves around that thin straw and suck.

"So she was what? A money whore?" Senew nodded.

"Yeah, but I dumped her after I met Allison..." Senew paused, suddenly rubbing his head as he groaned loudly.

"Fuck....I have to get my shit from her"

"I can do it" Senew paused, when did he actually plan to move? Oh right, when Addolorata blew shit up at his house.

"No, your not going anywhere near her!" He stated, slamming his fist on the table and almost causing Addolorata's smoothy to be knocked onto her lap.

Addolorata frowned deeply.

"Fine! I'll get Trainor and Gene to do it!"

"No, noooooooo, then she'll flip!" Addolorata huffed.

"I'm not letting you go there alone, who knows what that harlot could do!" Senew groaned.

"Addolorata, I doubt she would do anything other then yell at me!"

"We shall see"

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