Gym class

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Addolorata groaned.

She hated gym class.

If there was anything that involved her dressing in the most ill fitting clothes, along with awful shoes and socks and not to mention no accessories, that would be gym class.

Her uniform was beyond comforting to her body.

The shorts we're loose, down to her knees and didn't fit her at all.

The shirt was small yes, but it made her look like a hobo because of how unfitting it was.

"This is so un-cute" Addolorata muttered to herself, stretching out the shirt on her body as she sighed. She dropped it and pulled out two hair ties from the locker she had, she hated to say it but she wished to just leave school.

In all honesty she never really went to gym, always avoiding it so she didn't hear the teacher ask her about cheerleading or have things thrown at her.

Addolorata would rather be wrestling rather then anything else. Even if that was all sweaty and she couldn't use a gun.

"I can't believe she's actually here" Addolorata froze for a second, before acting like she was going to grab something from inside her gym locker.

People were talking about her.

"I know, it's so strange"

"It's like having a midget inside the room"

"Shhhh she might hear you!"

Addolorata rolled her eyes, she didn't even know where or who was talking.

Deciding to ignore it, she shut her locker, walking towards the locker room exit to go into the gym, if only someone didn't piss her off by tripping her.

Addolorata fell, hitting the ground face first and her bow nearly knocked undone from around the bands in her hair.

Laughter rang out behind her with giggles and gasps of shock, Addolorata knew that the person's foot was still propped up, she could feel the shoe.

Slowly she climbed to her feet, brushing off her face and feeling her nose, it wasn't broken but it was swollen from the impact.

"Oopsy~" Addolorata glanced over, seeing the smug looking faces and smirks those girls had.

Addolorata grinded her teeth, clenching her jaw as she slowly turned around.

The girls all had thin bodies, looking like storks with their brightly dyed hair and clearly stuffed bras. They looked just as horrible as she did in the gym uniform, yet they hiked up the shorts to show more leg.

"Did you really need to do that?" Asked Addolorata, trying her best not to punch them. She knew what they were trying to do.

They we're planning on getting her to attack them, of course sense the only camera could partly see the entrance to the girls bathroom, plus who would vouch for her? Everyone was practically afraid of her exploding like a bomb! Nobody wanted her around.

"Do what?" One of them asked, smug and playing with her neon green hair. Addolorata sighed, there was no point to it.

"Whatever" Addolorata turned around, walking out of the locker room into the gym, she didn't care.

She would have liked to beat them up, but one more visit to the principal would land a suspension on her and keep her from graduation.

Suddenly she felt a hand grab hold of her shoulder, yanking her back into the locker room as another hand covered her mouth.

"HUMM?!" Her defenses kicked in, her teeth sinking into the hand as blood was drawn, her lips curled back to allow her to bite down onto the hands flesh.

"OW!" She person let go, Addolorata then grabbing the arm that held her shoulder, spinning around and twisting it before darting away from the locker room as a girl wailed in pain from Addolorata's bite.

A teacher swiftly ran over to the commotion, spotting blood on Addolorata's chin, and a girl, one of the ones who tripped Addolorata, on her knees with her hand bleeding. The one next to her was holding her now twisted wrist and some what broken finger as Addolorata had, rather then grab the wrist, grabbed hold of a loose finger and spun around to twist it.

Before the teacher could even turn to yell, Addolorata spun on her heel and booked it out of the teacher line of sight, slipping behind the bleachers.

Addolorata felt ugly, horrid, disgusting and un-cute as ever because of the gym uniform. She didn't wish to become the center of everyone's attention dressed like this, that would be embarrassing.

"So let me get this straight" Addolorata played with her dress, tears welling up in her eyes and her cheek swollen red on the left of her face.

"My daughter, twisted a girls finger and broke it, which meant that her friend could then run after her, pull her hair and slam her foot into the side of my daughters face" The principal opened his mouth to speak, only for Marlow to cut him off.

"And then Addolorata bit into her calf and took off running?" The principal nodded.

"Yes mister Riotivch, the girl, Miss Coloflow, said that Addolorata started a fighting match over a misunderstanding of her tripping and thinking one of the girls friends did it" Marlow raised a brow, looking over at his daughter.

"Addolorata? Anything you would like to say?" Addolorata nodded.

"Then speak"

"They tried to beat me up in the girls locker room, they tripped me, laughed at me and....", Tears slowly ran down Addolorata's bruised cheek.

"And I freaked when they covered my mouth and I twisted her hand to get it off and grabbed her finger by mistake...they...they tried to...."Addolorata began to sob, hugging her father by the chest as he swiftly pulled her onto his lap and held her close. Marlow glared at the principal, picking up his daughter and turning to the door.

"Uh sir we aren't do-" Marlow turned around and glared even harsher.

"We are plenty done here sir, my daughter has been through enough, your lucky I'm not suing the school for damages to my kid! Not to mention emotional trauma and even bullying!" Before the principal could speak, Marlow walked out.

Addolorata wiped away her tears, smirking under her hair as she looked down at her lap and faking her sleeping action.

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