"Accidental" drugging

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Addolorata held her breath, feeling something under her tounge she managed to get it behind her dried teeth. Slowly opening her lips to allow Jackson to graze his tounge in her mouth.

Swiftly she darted her tounge again his, his eyes widening at the plastic feeling of her tounge, something oval shape forcing a bad taste in his mouth as he attempted to pull away.

Addolorata gripped the collar of his shirt, bending him down backwards and forcing the pill down his throat as she grabbed the gun from his belt, pointing it at his head as she locked closed his jaw with her knee and hand. Panting slight, she spit at the ground, growling lowly.

"Swallow it" she hissed at him, he did as ordered and swallowed the oval shape in his mouth, but it quickly took it's effect.

Slowly his world began to grow dark, his pupils becoming large then small over and over again till he closed his eyes.

He groaned as the position he was in, down on his knees with his back against his feet arched over his shoes, mouth kept shut by the girls knee and a gun pointed to his head.

Addolorata smiled as she slowly got off him, watching him pass out, not only from the drug but from how she positioned his body for to long.

But suddenly she began to gag, running towards the sink and leaning over it, pulling the plastic off her tounge and shoving her fingers down her throat to hack up what recently went down her throat.

Addolorata coughed, attempting to drink the smoothie she had made with a burnt throat from the acid of her stomach.

In her hand was Jackson's phone, the password being her name with a heart at the front and end.

She cringed at it slightly and went looking through his contacts, reading every message she could, with Jackson tied up and locked in the basement of the house.

Widely smirking she went to every male contact, and typed in a message to get them to come over.

Addolorata walked through the rickety cabin house, trying to find what she needed as she attempted to call someone she knew.

Unfortunately the only person that would awnser, was her pair of body guards, who always awnser the phone.

"Hello?" Came the voice of someone she knew closely, someone who always bought her ice cream on Wednesday.

"GENE!" Addolorata said in her happiest voice, sounding desperate, as if she had called even the government to save her with no success.

"Addolorata! Where are you?!" Addolorata ran to a window, peaking out and seeing Jackson's lackeies walking towards the cabin.

"Shit! I'm somewhere near the canyon, me and senew got into an accident but I need you and Trainor to get your ass here and now! Track the phone if you have to but I need some serious help because I have no clue where Senew is" she said, slightly panicking, hopeing it would get them to move faster.

"Alright we'll be there in two hours, try and find a say place to-" Addolorata swiftly cut off Gene, sound serious in her tone as it was very much unlike her.

"Gene.....it was Jackson's fault" the phone suddenly cut off with the sound of screaming and doors slamming, Addolorata estimated the time to be maybe thirty minutes considering when it comes to Jackson, shit hits the fan hard.

_ _

Jackson groaned, hands tied behind his back, the concrete ground under him ice cold.

"Uuugh, Addolorata?" He moaned out, looking up only to see his men around him, smirking like idiot's.

"What's going on?!" He demanded, looking around at all of them.

"Where's Addolorata!" He demanded again, the sound of snickering filled the room.

"I'm over here! Sheesh, calm your dick old man" spat Addolorata as Jackson looked over with hope, only for it to crash when he saw her sitting on a clean couch.

Her arm was propped up on one of the cushions behind her, in her other hand a recording video camera. A smile was on her face, her legs crossed and foot pointed with her toe as she bounced it slightly, Trainor and Gene in summer tuxedos by either side of her, sitting.

Both men looked unfazed, the men that once worked for Jackson had now joined Addolorata.

"Addolorata, Sweetheart what's goi-" he was cut off by her sneer, her nose flaring as she bared her teeth.

Hatred rested in her eyes as she handed the recording camera to Gene on her right, allowing him to get up and place the camera on a tripod, angled down at Jackson.

He sat in nothing but his boxers, his shirt, coat, jewelry of gold and silver, even his pants, shoes and socks were all tossed off in a corner somewhere in the basement.

"I'm not your sweetheart Jackson, not after what you did" she hissed at him, leaning over slightly and standing up, hands behind her back as she walks towards him.

"I'm not a nice person" she said, walking around him and the men, trailing her fingers across their backs as she slowly went in a circle.

"I want you to remember that" she whispered to him as she trailed her fingers up his neck and under his chin, a smirk wide on her face.

"But....I couldn't let your dedication for me go to waste, not...yet anyway" she said with a sigh as she stood up straight, hands behind her back again as she took two steps back.

Her rear hit the couch, graceful as ever she was.

"So....I decided to let your toys have some fun of their own~" she giggled, snapping her fingers as both Trainor and Gene stood up, holding out their hands as Addolorata was picked up. She waved to him, speaking a final line before she left the basement.

"I was once your toy, now, you're their's~" she let out a manically insane laugh as she was carried up the stairs, the basement door slamming shut as Jackson screamed and cried for the men he once payed to work for him, took a chance to feed their growing lust.

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