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Senew sighed, closing his eyes as he drifted off to sleep with the small frame of Addolorata next to him.

He had committed a sin, one he couldn't forget about, no he couldn't never forget about as long as he looked at Addolorata, every time he did, it just made him remember.

The hours ticked by in his head, in the void like dream he was having before opening his eyes.

The sound of Addolorata's alarm made him reach over and smash it off, wishing he could hear more of the sound to drown out Addolorata's soft breath's.

Moving her off him, he climbed out of bed and headed into the bathroom, this time locking the door behind him and turning on the shower water.

He didn't want to see her, he didn't even want to think about what he did, he felt wrong and disgusting.

She was a child, her body reminded him of a child!

That stupid smile, frilly dresses and even her curly hair, yes it was part of her but she looked so child like.

_ _

Senew sighed, useing the spatula in his hand to cut apart the eggs in the pan as he heard bacon sizzle.

He was in his own apartment, leaving Addolorata to wake up alone and confused.

He didn't care if she was, he just couldn't look at her, he felt awful for what he did, even if she enjoyed it he could be in jail!

He turned off the stove, he didn't even know why he made bacon and eggs, he hated bacon and eggs.

Setting the plate infront of himself, he began to eat, he forced it down, just like he did with everything else he forced it down.

He needed some way to get Addolorata out of his head, but he couldn't without her getting angry.

"Stop thinking about that stupid child!" He screamed in his head as he finished eating, pushing the plate away.

Why, out of all the people in the world, was Addolorata the one that stayed in his head.

Many girls he slept with didn't stay for long, sure the occasional remember of the night but nothing more then a fling, he needed an outlet so it was all he could do. Maybe it was one of the reasons he had a hard time with relationships, never known the feeling of someone staying after sex or anything like that.

His train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a knock at the door.

"Go away!" He said loudly, the person stopping for a moment before the muffled voice of Addolorata spoke, it almost seemed, worried.

"I uh.....I woke up and you we're there so I came looking for you, are you ok?" She asked, actually worried about him.

"Stop sounding like your worried! I know your proud of yourself for what you did!" Addolorata was taken aback by that, sure she was proud, she had gotten to sleep with her boyfriend, she thought he would be happy to!

"I am proud, I thought you would be happy....I guess your not huh" Senew growled loudly, once again raising his voice.

"JUST GO AWAY" Addolorata flintched, walking back to her own apartment room to shed a few tears.

_ _

Senew downed the bottle of scotch, he didn't care he just wanted to.

Chugging away at it he felt his nerves begin to relax as he leaned back in his chair, setting down the bottle.

Tilting back his head, he closed his eyes, trying to think of something else besides how rude he was to Addolorata.

The room was silent, except for the sound of the fan above him giving a low hum. Placing a hand over his eyes didn't help to block anything, light and memories began to show in front of his eyes from last night.

Addolorata's red tinted cheeks, eyes filled with admiration for Senew as he made her body twitch with joy at every movement he made.

His mind had been so blurred by lust that he slowly began to realize that he had willingly done it.

Addolorata didn't seduce him into it, he seduced her.

Feeling like an even bigger fool he knew he needed to think about it, even if that ment ignoring Addolorata for a while. More memories of last night flooded his head, tempting him to do it once again with that frail body of hers.

Her small curves, that perky little ass of hers, those soft lips that needed his.

Her hands trailing along his body, locking on the bed or in his own hand.

Her thighs that we're connect to her short legs that held him closer to her, it was erotic in all seriousness to his brain.

He felt his body begin to heat up as he pushed himself from his chair, not bothering to look down at his pants as he walked into his room to think about that night more.

_ _

Addolorata sat on her new clean sheets, allowing her small rabbit to jump around on her bed, as she fed it lettuce and strawberries.

Her shoes were by her front door, so her feet were in the air protected just by white socks in her simple black dress with red flowers at the hem.

She laid on her stomach, sighing as she watched the black bubbly bunny hop over to her and boop it's nose on her.

She let out a small giggle as she picked it up giving it a kiss on the head before setting it on the floor with food. It grabbed the lettuce in it's paws, starting to chew away at it.

She heard her front door open, she ignored it as she walked around her bedroom, forgetting that she had her actual bedroom door open as Michelangelo began to hop out with Senew walking in, and sitting on her couch thinking about what he had just done in his apartment to the thought of Addolorata last night.

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