Blood cry

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Screams, oh the screams Annabelle heard as she took off her blood covered latex gloves. Pulling down the sickness mask, she let out a happy sigh as she looked at all the teeth in a jar.

"That's what? Three molars and one canine?" She asked the passed out body of her half brother. She frowned, his face stained with blood and his teeth replaces by metal inserts she had done herself. They we're quite poor but would do until her personal dentist got here to fix it. She took off her latex gloves, tossing them Into a trash can next to her and letting out a bored sigh.

"Always ruins the fun, the screams last but never stay" she groaned as she shook the jar, the teeth floating down in the red tinted water. She smiled as she walked out of the room, opening the door to her own and letting her arms wrap around senews neck. She buried her face deep into it, smiling as he hugged back.

"Glad your calmer now" she laughed as she sat on his lap, leaning against his chest. She had set the jar down on her coffee table, kissing senews cheek as she looks at it.

"Yeah, I plan to make it worse but I think I'll do it in a month, maybe I'll remove a nail or two, maybe I can cut open his mouth and slap it till it's raw" she pressed her back to senews chest as he lifted her head.

"As much as you hate him, I think you shouldn't make it to obvious" he stated, she frowned slightly, it hesitated to move off her face before he kissed her head.

"Yeah....I guess your right"



"I'm still wondering...." Senew seemed to ponder in his head, gears shifting as Annabelle moved to lay on his chest, pushing him down on her couch.

"Yes?" She asked, curiosity rising.

"Why doesn't he go to the police? You seemed to do this so often, and it would get you out of the way" Annabelle frowned deeply, she didn't like hearing him state that.

"Easy, he didn't go because of daddy. Had he gone and told the police, who could ruin my nice door, he would have been very angry and nulled any standing he would have" she stated, getting off him and starting to take off the blood stained scrubs. She had taken a chance and put on medical blue scrubs, like something a nurse would wear in the hospital when working then some silly dress you see in old movies.

"Oh.." was Senew's only response as he watched her toss the clothes, she kicked her foot under the table and hooked a box with her toe. Leaning over, this causing Senew to get a great view of her rear, she grabbed a old hoodie and slipped it on. The sleeves stopped just above her finger tips, the bottom partly covering her rear and allowing her to move around freely but with some restrictions. Senew brought a smile on his face as Annabelle laid back down on top of him, letting her hair fall from the ponytail. It fell onto her shoulders, into the hood and onto her back. It drifted slightly in the air before settling partly over her face, on Senew's chest, and even his arm. Senew reached up and brushed hair from her face, allowing both her stunning blue eyes to shine as she looked at him. He smiled, letting her lean over and kiss him as she did over and over again. Their breaths mingled for a second, her right arm around his neck, her left hand resting on his left breast. His left hand was on her back, his right behind her head as he deepened the kiss, sliding his tounge across her teeth.

"Senew~" she huffed out, closing her eyes as he continued to kiss and urge his tounge into her mouth before she allowed. She felt him roll her onto her back, lay on her body as her left arm traveled up, holding onto her right arms sleeve as she continued to pant out his name between the lip locks. They bit and sucked on each other's lips, sometimes pulling away to breath for a solid minute before going back into the swing of making out.

"Annabelle....." The kissing stopped when senew spoke, his tone serious and his eyes narrowed. She leaned her head back against the pillow behind her, which had been propped up again the arm of her love seat couch.

"Yes my love?" She asked, smiling as she finally said it, it rushed over her with a feeling of accomplishment knowing she had actually called her lover that.

"When should we start planning that wedding?" Annabelle chuckled, kissing the top of Senew's head.

"Maybe in a day or two, my Daddy wants to pay for it all, but I wanna pay for some to" he paused, looking her in the eye.

"You have your own money?" Annabelle frowned, tapping the back of his head with the palm of her head.

"Shut up, yes I do! It's mainly my fifty dollars of allowance I get once a month but the rest is from my connections" senew nuzzled his nose against her neck, kissing it as he let out a hum.

"Tell me about those, I wanna know my wife to be more, it seemed like I hardly know much about you" Annabelle ran her fingers through his hair, letting out a loud, yet happy, sigh.

"Well......most of them involve crime but a few are just some mom and pop shops I decided to help out. One of them makes a amazing dome cake, their Swiss chocolate is to die for, and they have the sweetest of strawberries they grow themselves." She continued to speak, not really Caring if he was awake, zoned out, or even listening at all. She was enjoying the attention, the love she was getting, and to talk about what she did made it seem so different to her. Normally her boyfriends only wanted to talk about small things, but Senew understood she wanted to speak on a much grander scale, just like how her life was.

Author note: so I can't believe this, this book has actually gotten 1.34K reads! I never expected my book to get this far! Let alone to have 40 chapters already is more then I expected! I also wanted to say sorry for the slow updates but my muse has been in need of some change (I mean my music) so it's been a bit difficult to write as of late. But none the less I still want to thank you all, I hope you enjoyed!

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