Finally love

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Annabelle's eyes darted from the ground to the window, the car she was ment to be in outside.

"Hello?" She asked, not wanting to sound like a broken awnsering machine.

"Annabelle! I want-" Annabelle rolled her eyes cutting off senew.

"Senew look, if this is about money I told you, money is already in your account and will be for a while! Now if you actually need something make it quick!" Hissed Annabelle, her tounge creating an acid like words, stinging into senews heart.

"I'm sorry" Annabelle paused, getting off the couch.

"Your sorry? Sorry about what?!" She said, hand on her hip.

"I'm sorry about everything! I'm sorry for not paying attention, for going with other women and everything when you honestly cared about me!" Annabelle dug her nails into her own skin, her heart fluttering.

"Senew......if you think....that this is what's going to fix everything" Annabelle bit her lip.

"Then god dammit your absolutely right" she sighed, she still felt hurt.

"Annabelle I'm not done, I know your not wearing your dresses anymore" that one hit Annabelle hard, she felt a broken heart break even more in her chest, trying not to take a deep gasp.

"And to be honest I" Annabelle knew she was going to hear it, how much he hated those dresses.

"I found you adorable in those dresses, id rather you in those then whatever your wearing now" tears ran down Annabelle's cheeks, still listening to senew.

"Your frilly cute self, those pumpkin shorts you had on, your socks and accessories, your hair is always so curly! No make-up, even your sadistic smile. Your dress flashes bright color when a gun goes off in your hand! Not to mention your always so happy in those dresses words can't express it! I'm sorry that whatever you were trying to change about yourself for me" Annabelle took a gasp, the tears running heavily.

"Senew i-" senew cut her off with the words she always wanted to hear, words that no boyfriend she ever had told her truthfully.

"I love you Annabelle" Annabelle heard the phone suddenly click off. She dropped the phone on the couch as tears ran down her eyes and she darted into the room she was using and ripping open her suitcase.

_ _

A mall, one of the stores for clothes nearly the void of people except for the few that are talking to a cashier, a gun to the poor girls head as she was ordered to put the money in the bag.

"Put it in the bag kid" hissed the man with the gun, cocking it as the poor teen squealed and began to quickly put it in the bag. It was almost like a horrible Superman movie, you could just expect him to bust in a save the day, earning a praise from the teen. But rather then that, it was the sounds of heavy machinery, the laughter of a bubbly happy girl.

"My my!~" came the voice of the insane girl, both men at the front whipping around, to see those blue eyes, pupils almost drowned by the blue waters. The tight button leather like vest around her waist. The black poofy arm top, the wide skirt with many petticoats under it, even bloomers for extra poof. That dark red hair held straight on her shoulders, the cap on her head decorated with a badge symbol. Those thick heavy boots with her socks resting just above her knee, the bow around her neck bouncing with every step like the silver cross. The gun in her hand, round after round loaded into the chamber with men at the door holding it shut, and at the mall entrance.

"Sweetheart, you might wanna allow my friends to close the gate, oh and do duck and cover!~" said Annabelle with a happy smile, that insane grin growing wide as she took a stance, fireing the gun rappidly as the girl squealed, lowering the gate and taking cover behind the desk. The two men scrambled, trying to dodge the bullets as the gun was quickly unloading.

"HAHHHAHAHAHAH" Annabelle let out laughter as she fired away, only to pout when the gun ran out of ammunition. Sighing and dropping the gun, fixing her black leather gloves and flinging up her skirt, she pulled out a pair of her twin pistols, firing rapidly again at wherever she saw movement, the two men screaming and firing back at her. She held back her insane laughter, kicking over a display table and using it for cover as she kept shooting, tossing one of the guns once it ran out. Annabelle laid waste to the room, every thing getting decorated in button holes, cameras getting destroyed. The fire of the gun clicked in her hand, annoyed by the fact once again the bullets ran out. Dropping the gun, both of the men were slightly wounded. Growling lowly, she pulled out her mother's pocket knife, flicking out the sharpest and ducking down. Darting from table to table she could hear the gun fire, the gate entrance shut tight. She would know when she needed help, she had feelings to get out, pure joy making her run ramped.

One of the men, a guy with green eyes and curly blue locks, not her original target but close enough, was scouting the large store looking for her, she snuck up and quickly pinned him down, stabbing his back repeatedly as the guys friend, with green dyed hair, began to shoot at her. Using the green eye man as a human shield she took his gun and used it to shoot. Landing a hit at the mans shin. She mentally cursed, quickly replacing with a silent victory when his gun ran out of bullets. Dropping th man's friend she ran forward, knife in hand she began to slash at him, his body moving away as he tried to pistol whip her with the gun, Making her back away to. She kept her smile, only the suddenly frown when the gun knocked up the underside of her chin, making her bust her lip with a bit. She let out a low growl, she was no longer playing.

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