Angry blood relative

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Annabelle let her feet thump with each step, the blade in her hand.

"Not only, do you show my body to that cold hearted bastard of a brother!" She hissed, clutching the handle of the blade.

"But I looked like an IDIOT INFRONT OF MY FIANCE!" She screamed, kicking his back as he attempted to get up.

"Now do what you came here to do asshole, I'll send you an invitation when the wedding is set" she spat, balling up spit in her mouth before spitting on his face, turn on her heel and walking back to her apartment. She couldn't help but be angry, knowing not only her brothers but Senew of all people had to see that awful flop. She doubt she even looked graceful, heck not even adorable at all! She shivered as she felt the cold air of the room suddenly set in, growing tired from overworking her small body far to much. All she wanted to do was sleep, maybe cuddle with Senew and get hitched so she could finally say she was legally a adult, because before now every saw her as a child and throwing the fact she was married in their faces would be beautiful to her. Sure it would come with the oh so favorable phrase of "do I need to call the police?" Or things like "honey was this done against your will?" She could hear it all in her head, sweat running down the back of her neck in fear. This was a drawback, people could get the wrong idea, that maybe because of how she looked and dressed she was a child bride, or she was someone forced to marry an older man for her family. Annabelle sighed, she hated feeling like this, like the pruessure was building up on her head, just wanting to crush her body and throw her down to the floor. She let out a long drawed out sigh, right before opening the door and getting a face full of smoke.

By now senew had already put out his cigar, now currently playing on his phone and looking at dresses Annabelle might like, unfortunately her brother stareing over his shoulder was growing uncomfortable.

"She's not one for white" he stated, Senew ignored him and kept looking.

"Don't go with a sweetheart neckline, she doesn't have tits" The comments wouldn't stop.

"Don't go with long, she's to short"

"Don't do mermaid she's like a plank"

"Anything form fitting will make her look like a stick in white"

"Stop looking at white, go for color, something that will make people look away"

"Don't add so much detail, she's needs plain and boring like her personality"

"Get her a veil, it'll cover her baby face"

"Get a ring the size of her ego, it'll fit down her throat and she can choke"

"She probably just wants you for mone-" Marlow Jr was cut off by Senew.

"Just shut the fuck up, I've spent more time with her than you ever have" he hissed at him, clicking off his phone and standing up.

"I'm her brother" Stated Marlow Jr, watching senew open a window and dump the ash tray of old embers and a cigar.

"Just because your her brother, doesn't mean you get to make all those comments about her like you know shit. She's beautiful the way she is, if she wants something she gets it no matter what assholes like you say" he hissed, turning around and glareing at the boy, arms crossed right after slamming down the ash tray.

"And it's not like I have money" he muttered under his breath.

"So it's most likely your dick she's after then, always an ego pleaser" Marlow Jr leaned back, arms out wide on the back of the couch as he kicked up his feet.

"It's no wonder Annabelle dislikes you" hissed Senew as he growled under his breath.

Annabelle felt an arrow go through her heart, she had always said it out loud, she verbally stated she hated Marlow Jr. But for her to hear him say all that just made her hate him more. Anger boiled, more rage than anything as she attempted to calm herself, repeatedly stabbing the wall as she yelled in anger. The noise was so loud that it caused Senew and Marlow jr to walk out with confused faces.

"Annabelle the fuck are you doing to dad's walls?!" Asked Marlow jr, Annabelle glaring at him as she took a hair band off her wrist, pulling back all of her hair and tieing it up.

"Getting ready to murder you, Senew hold him down" she hissed, pulling a pair of gloves from her pocket, hidden under the dress with a pair of white gloves. "I need to calm down" she hissed, smirking as she looked at him with a psychotic grin.

"Woah woah woah woah, Anna come on!" Marlow Jr began to back away, frantic fear written all over his face as Senew grabbed his wrist to stop him from running.

"Sorry kid, but she's gonna rule one day, she needs her practice" Annabelle smirked, knowing that what she had been doing while Senew was asleep was working. She had been reading, whispering into his ear and often showing him horror movies at night, most of this was seen as off and normal but it was a way to get sick a twisted ideas into ones head. Annabelle needed someone like that, someone who would listen and allow her to work without hesitation.

"Take him down to the basement, get Gene and Taylor to help strap him down with some numbing gel, oh and make sure it's on his gums, I need to go find a jar" she stated, opening a door to her right, not her left where her apartment was and going inside as the door clicked shut. Senew shrugged, spinning the guy around and twisting his arm so it would be painful and trying to get away was a chance of a broken arm.

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