Crime war

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"You mean to tell me, you don't know where your girlfriend is?!" Asked the man in confusion. Senew gave back to same confused look the man had.

"You don't know where she is either! Plus you were with that other dude! How do you not know where she is?!" Senew replied, not at all happy with the man.

"Also, just who the hell are you and why do you care?!" The man crossed his arms, tapping his fingers on his chin as he began walking around the room, pacing slightly.

Senew grew more and more annoyed as every second ticked by, it made him wonder why he even gave a damn about Addolorata. Sure she was just a kid to him who had an overbearing crush and no sense of boundaries.

"God I must be going insane" he thought as he tapped his foot against the dirt covered ground.

_ _

Addolorata was panting, sweating slightly as she leaned forward, the euphoric feeling better then anything she has ever touched.

She wanted more of the thick liquid in her mouth, the sweet taste was something she craved.

Her eyes widen slightly as they locked with the man in front of her, licking his lips as he smirked at her.

"M....ore...." She moaned out, hardly able to speak, the feeling running down her spine and her hair slightly tangled with the redness on her cheek, her hands bound behind her back.

"What was that?" The man leaned over slight, wanting to hear what she had said.

"MORE!~" she squealed, the man chuckling as Addolorata arched her back slightly, suddenly giggling. She continued to laugh as the man sitting on the floor began to rub her feet.

"Jackson sto~op!" She laughed as she hit her back against the chair, letting go of it as she picked up the smoothie and began to drink more of it.

Jackson laughed as he watched Addolorata try so hard not to, somewhat coughing up the smoothie from laughing while trying to swallow.

"Jackson!" She suddenly squealed as his fingers gently brushed under her foot, causing her to pull it away and sit on top of it, almost dropping her drink. He sheepishly smiled, standing up with a apologetic look.

"Sorry, I forgot you have sensitive feet, but I couldn't help it! They're so soft!" Addolorata pouted, sucking down her smoothie from the straw, looking away from Jackson.

He, under her command, had released her from the chair and bounds, getting her something to drink. They were both in a cleaned up cabin, with a few windows broken but still usable in the heat.

Addolorata, in a moment of overheating, had taken off the socks and bows.

"I know they're soft! I work hard to keep my body cute and perfect!" She said, filling her own ego as she finished her drink, holding out the glass.

"More please! I demand it!" She said, the glass taken from her hands as he walked over to a kitchen, allowing her the only chair, other then the ripped up and ruined couch.

She moved her feet from under her, letting them swing as she dug her nails into the wooden chair.

She had allowed someone lesser of her to touch her feet, to her that was horror in it's own show.

She was ready to kill him, unfortunately he knew where Senew was, not to mention she was hungry and in need of medical aid of sorts.

She had been give cooler clothes, a simple lightweight, white, mid sleeve short dress with her bloomers under it, unfortunately the dress was a bit shorter and it rested over the bloomers, so when she walked the bloomers would show and it was embarrassing.

Jackson had his back to her, his hair a complete mess from trying to track her down, only now had he tried to clean up.

"So....why are you all the way out here?" He asked out of the blue, catching Addolorata by suprise.

She blinked for a moment before clearing her throat.

"I was on a date! Then the....string snapped and I took quite a fall with my boyfriend" the sound of things clattering on the counter and table made Addolorata flitch, the sound annoying her ears.

"WHAT!" He yelled, whipping around and slamming his hands on the kitchen island counter, it almost breaking under the force.

"A date Jackson, the man who was in the river!" She groaned as she leaned back in the chair, hearing it creak and she crossed her arms, still kicking her legs.

"And before you say anything, we broke up Jackson and I am still pissed about what you did! And there is no way I will take you back after that!" She explained, looking away from him with her hair hitting her skin.

It had been braided, loosely and rested on her shoulders.

She heard him think over to her, squat down and slowly place his hands on her shoulders.

Turning her head she angerly locked eyes with him, not at all amused.

"Addolorata...." He growled lowly, blowing air from his nose as he pulled her forward, smashing his lips over hers as she nearly screamed.

She attempted to push him away, but with what little strength she had she just sat there, frozen solid as she held her breath.

_ _

"Look, who I am is none of your concern right now, you really should be worrying about Addolorata after the fall you both took" explained the man as he looked at senew, locking eyes with him.

Senew shook his head.

"It does matter! If I can't trust you I guess I'll have to kill you" said Senew, cracking his knuckles as he balled them into fists, storming over and grabbing the man by his shirt collar.

The man flintched at those words and pushed Senew away slowly, not wanting to get into any type of fight.

"Look dude, I don't wanna fight, and I don't wanna tell my name, not until I can trust you" he said, pointing towards senew as he took a step back.

Senew growled lowly, looking around before smashing his fist into the wall next to him angerly.

"You better help me find that stupid frilly dressed psycho or I will pummel you to death" growled Senew lowly, cracking his neck.

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