Hello hell, goodbye heaven

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Addolorata giggled as she flung open the door, her skirt blowing in the wind she created from the force.

The high up skirt just perfectly covered her lower half, yet it seemed just to perfect with her shirt and knee socks. Along with the pair of flats she wore she held on a bright smile as she walked through her apartment, hoping to open the next door room and see her love.

Spinning around and hoping to the door she swung it wide open and took a step into the hall.

She had reluctantly given Senew his own apartment, saying how her daddy liked to keep them at a length till her birthday inside so nothing funny happens.

Sighing at the idea her dad offered her, she suddenly felt reality shatter when she realized that Senew had not gotten the information of this contract. Nearly fainting she took a step back and rushed back into her apartment for her phone.

Feet walked down the cream colored hallway with a perfect fitting crimson red carpet, hands in their pockets as they seemed to walk in unison.

A woman led the way as three people, all almost identical, followed.

It was so odd, like a highschool mean girl with three lackeys all in tow who almost looked exactly like her.

Of course, clearly the one in front presented herself as the most beautiful of the four.

The woman in front was the eldest of the group of four, in her hand a fan that she held over her mouth as she seemed to taunt any male gaze with her walking and seductive look.

A smile was hidden behind her wooden fan, the cherry blossoms across pink and beautiful unlike her ego as she reached the end of her adventure.

She took a step back from the door, only for it to swing open and to have Addolorata freeze looking up, anger bubbling.

"Hello dear sister! How is the little bubble of acid today?" Asked the Strawberry blonde. Addolorata, looking disgusted, looking away and grabbed a stick from her door and used it to push the woman out of the way.

"About to rip your ugly face into beauty Melissa, keep the stick it's contaminated with the black death!" Addolorata pushed past the three triplet's, Milly the eldest shook her head, Aston the brother in three sighed, and Angel the youngest crossed her arms looking sad.

"So sarcastic" started Milly,

"So mean" inquired Aston,

"So sadistic" finished Angel.

Melissa growled, only to see Addolorata knock on the door while Melissa followed.

The door swung open, an unamused looking Senew stood there shirtless, women partly naked giggling as they left the apartment past Addolorata, who suddenly looked pissed.

After Addolorata had walked away from the apartment, Senew seemed to act more like a dick to her then anything. He slept with random women, ignored her calls for him, even ignored her when talking and just watching other people.

"What do you want kid?" Asked Senew, knowing he would probably get yelled at.

His actions had spoken louder then his words, sleeping with other girls was far more taboo to Addolorata then he would know.

Not to mention when he came back a week later from the incident at Allison's apartment, he was messy, drunk, and even smelled of perfume.

"Your in trouble" she hissed crossing her arms.

"Oh really? For what, having some fun?" He asked with a smirk on his face as Melissa watched with the fan over her mouth.

"I allow you to stay, and what do you do! You sleep with some floosy from the street!" Cried Addolorata stomping her foot like a child.

"-and I got all dressed up for you to! We we're meant to spend time together!" She huffed, turning her back to him angrily.

"Look kid-" Addolorata growled,

"Sorry! look Anna I'm not going to go out with you just because your facsination with me is so obsessive that you want nothing more then cock, so just bug off" Addolorata turned around, using her hand to slap him in the face.

"I don't want your dick, I just wanted you to be damn happy with me! You have five days to get the hell out!" She screamed, pulling a knife from her stocking.

"-And then your head will be on daddy's hit list!" Senew froze, horror spreading on his face.

"Wait, Anna, kid please no, no need to go that far-" there was a clearing of the throat, gaining both Addolorata and Senew's attention as they looked towards Melissa and her lackies.

"What plastic girl?" Asked Addolorata unamused and pissed off.

"Mind introducing us to your friend here dear sister? He looks like a delightful;"

Melissa licked her lips "treat~"

Addolorata flared with rage, pointing her knife to Melissa.

"BACK OFF! DADDY PROMISED HIS HAND TO ME SLLLUUUUT!" She screamed in rage, Melissa laughing.

"He won't be yours with that chest" she said, pointing to Addolorata's flat chested space, her face growing red.

"At least I don't have back problems" said Addolorata snarkily.

"At least I don't get dumped easily" replied Melissa.

"At least she's not going to get them enlarged to a D tomorrow so you can sleep with the company president" spoke up Angel who made Melissa growl and glare at her.

Addolorata held back her laughing, hugging Senew's arm to her body as he leaned over uncomfortably.

"Come on Senew, go get dressed, than we can leave the highschool wanna be looker alone with her smarter then herself lackeys" senew looked from the fuming Melissa to the glazed over eyes of a smiling Addolorata who seemed to be happy with the fact she made her half sister rage.

"But you just said-"

"Now Senew!" Hissed Addolorata, glaring at him slightly from the side.

"Alright......" Senew pulled his arm away and retreated back into his apartment.

"A little old don't you think sister?" Asked Melissa.

"Don't call me sister, you are not my sister you are far from it! Your nothing more then a gold digger with fake tits and a small ass" spat Addolorata as she leaned against the wall across from Senew's door.

"Well at least my mother still loves me" said Melissa slipping past the line of no returning as Addolorata kicked off the wall towards the strawberry blonde girl in anger, rage, and the murder look in her eyes of a million suns.

It was all followed by a loud scream.

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