On the job

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Hours before:

Senew sighed, pushing open the door to his house before walking in and yawing.

He was heavily tired, ready just to sleep and be done with ever having to see Addolorata or Marlow ever again after the months he was stuck at that damn house.

They had done nothing but interrogate him for hours on end about all kinds of things.

Most making him uncomfortable.

He flopped onto his couch, stretching out before happily falling asleep in comfort.

Hours later:

Senew growled, hidden behind a barrier of chairs and tables of wood.

In his hand a pistol with few bullets and beside him a bag full of weapons to use to escape the trouble he was in with a few men who tried to rob his house.

He lived in the country where his neighbors were miles away, so far away a gunshot would not alert them.

His house decorated with bullet shells and men and women he didn't know who we're trying to kill him.

Angry and yet fearing for his life, Senew did not know what to do, only for even more fear to rise into his gut when the front door was suddenly kicked open with a child like voice.

"OOOH SENEW~" said Addolorata as she walked into the middle of the room, looking around as the people in front of her held guns to her way.

Confused she tilted her head slightly.

"Huh? Senew were you having fun without me?!" She demanded, setting down a basket that was in her hand.

"No....." He said, unsure how to handle the fact the psycho knew his address.

"Well then, I told you to pack your things didn't I? Or did you not get my texts?" She asked, slipping her hands under her pink frilly skirt, her chest slightly showing thanks to the heart in her sweater top.

"Addolorata I'm not living with you!" Said Senew as a shot was fired towards his head, in Addolorata's hand a pink pistol.

"Like hell you won't!" She hissed angrily, only for her next sentence to be cut off before starting by a woman.

"JUST SHUT UP!" She said, firing at Addolorata and grazing her leg, ruining her stockings and staining her leg with her own blood.

Anger rose into Addolorata's eyes as she looked at the woman, who visibly flinched.

"You ruined my stocking!" She spat with acid in her tone as she pulled out a second pink pistol.

Addolorata saw red as she lay waist to the room, the people going down as they attempted to fire her at, only for her to keep ducking and cover with precise movement.

Senew could only hide as he took cover in his kitchen, behind a wall as Addolorata screamed and hissed at the people she was filling with bullets.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THESE COST! HOW MUCH EFFORTS I SPENT INTO MY OUTFIT TO LOOK CUTE!" Screams and fear, her panting came next as the room was splattered with red.

Slowly she walked through small drops and puddles of blood as she tossed her guns on the couch as she stepped into the kitchen and looked at Senew with a smile on her face, so sickly sweet that not even he could help but cringe in fear.

"Go pack you things sweetheart" she said, getting on her knees and caressing his cheek as she planted a kiss on his forehead.

Senew was filled with horror and fear of the smaller girl.

Senew sat in a nice limo car, Addolorata next to him, him cleaning her shoes as she let's her feet breath with them up on the other seat across.

"You know......you didn't have to do that" Addolorata growled under her breath and refused to open her eyes as she leaned against the seat, hand tracing over the grazed and ruin stocking.

"She ruined my damn stocking after I spent all this time looking cute for you" she opened her eyes and pushed herself forward.

Standing up she moved over and sat on his knee, putting on a pout as she leaned over and meet her sad eyes with his own.

"Arnt I cute today? I dressed up just for you Senew" Senew, have holding back a sly remark to offend the blue eye girl looked away slightly, sweating in fear.


"More like psychotic" he thought as he noticed the smile on her face, her leaning over and kissing his cheek.

What happened next, he did not expect.

Slowly Addolorata's hands pushed the items away, slowly crawling their way up his chest as she slid forward with the bump in the road.

Her body pressed against his, his hands latching onto her waist to push her back but she used this opportunity to land a kiss on his lips.

He froze, unsure what to do as she proceeded to kiss over and over on his lips, waiting for a return as she grew more and more impatient.

He nearly yelled when her teeth sank into his top lip and have it a tug, his eyes narrowing as he placed his hand on the back of her head and crashed his lips over hers in a violent kiss, tasting his own blood as she parted her lips and licked his own, asking for entrance.

Hesitately he parted his lips and allowed her to slip in her tounge, only for them both to freeze at the sound of a beeping.

Addolorata pulled her mouth away, much to her own sorrows as she looked at a watch on her wrist, taking it off and her eyes widening.

"Shoot I'm gonna be late to school!" She cried, pushing herself off Senew's lap and towards a small door.

"Hey! School! Step on it Joe!" She said as Senew felt the car speed up under him, his eyes widening.

"Seriously, you didn't go to school?!" Said Senew, seeing this as a way to escape from his mistake of even dareing to act on that kiss, to which he shivered when she wasn't looking.

"It's lunch time, I always eat outside at some place so nobody noticed, lunch time is almost over so I gotta hurry, I don't want daddy mad at me" Senew cringed, her wording nothing more then creepy to his ears.

"Why do you call him that?" Addolorata suddenly looked confused, stareing at Senew from across the limo.

"Who?" Senew groaned.

"Marlow!" He said, somewhat angry.

"Oh! You mean daddy? Well he's my dad ain't he?" Senew groaned, seeing this was going to be a long conversation.

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