An Idiot with disgrace

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Addolorata held back a groan as she looked up at the person who pinned her against the brick wall, the fabric of her dress rubbing and catching on it. Trying to move it away from the wall caused her to get slammed back against it, making her hiss at the person.

"Shut it kid! Your gonna make me a pretty buck" Addolorata already didn't like the person, suddenly noticing the chest almost in her face. The person, or woman's, hands tugged on her dress, lifting petticoat and the dress fabric as she serched around for something. The woman paused when she pulled the knife from the holsters under Addolorata's bloomers, as well as the mini pistol.

"My my, someone is paranoid" said the woman chuckling as she dropped the items onto the ground. Addolorata stayed quiet, eyes moving around the alley way as to notice all it's disgusting fetures, making her sick to think that it would be on her dress. The woman's bare hand grabbed Addolorata's face, causing her to look over as her cheeks were squished.

"I didn't say you could look away kid" spat the woman as she began to pull on the fabric, until the sound of tearing ripped through the air softly. Addolorata's eyes widen, swifty she used her foot and kicked the woman's crotch hard enough to cause pain as Addolorata suni her teeth into the person's hand. They moved back, pulling away their hand and hissing in pain as they doubled over, dropping whatever was in their hand. Addolorata dropped to the ground, looking around at her dress for the tear and finding the large rip right on the side, showing her white petticoat. She let out an angered scream as she picked up her mini pistol and pointed it at the person.

"You've made a great mistake" she spat as she cocked the gun.

Addolorata growled lowly as she tapped her foot, standing on the sidewalk in front of the alley way with red staining her dress and shoes. Her stockings torn up and her hair a wild mess. The woman was tougher, due to the rage she caused Addolorata had to silence her swiftly. Soon a black limo pulled up and Addolorata huffed, climbing in as she began to remove her shoes and stockings angerly, the door slamming shut with two men with shades on their heads held bags with clothes for her. She shoved those aside and crossed her arms, whimpering as she looked at the massive hole and red stains on her pretty dress.

"Are you alright miss?" Asked the man to her left, she glared at him.

"No I am not! My dress is ruined! My stockings are torn, my shoes are stained, I was almost mugged in that alleyway and not to mention that woman defiled my cuteness by sticking her hands under my skirt and bloomers!" She ranted as she stomped her foot on the ground of the car.

"I demand to go home right now, I need to bathe and spend time with senew, if not one of you will loose something vital" she hissed lowly, both the men looked afraid by the statement and yelled at the driver to go faster as it sped up.

Addolorata stormed into her bedroom, ripping the now ruined dress from her body and down a hamper in the wall to where found it would be burned. She removed her garments and petticoat, underwear and all even hair ties to fall onto the ground before walking into her large bathroom.

The bathroom was white, like pure snow. The carpet was soft and water absorbing, leaving your feet on a dry surface.

The bathroom had a glass shower in the corner with a tub built into the ground where the water flowed from the ceiling.

Playing with her curly dark red hair, Addolorata sighed and stepped towards her tub, deciding to take a bath as she turned on the water and walked to the wide counter with a single sink, custom made just for her and her many make up products, hair straightener, blow dryer ect.

Opening one of the small cabinet doors, she pulled out a bright light colored tan wooden basket with a white cloth inside hanging onto the edges with many different color bath bombs.

"Hmmm" picking up and moving different bath bombs, Addolorata looked through them as the bath tub was filling up.

Addolorata turned off the water, holding the grey bath bomb in her hand, she let it roll off with a tilt of her hand into the water. It bubbled and fixed, the soap and color leaking from the ball as Addolorata climbed into the water, which was now turning black.

Picking up the bath bomb from under the water she felt the odd texture of it. It was fizzy, like a million bubbles if soft clouds we're popping against your skin. It covered her hand in black color, causing her to dart her hand into the water to rinse it off.

She felt like a child again, giggling as she played with the bath bomb by pushing it around as it floated on the black water, making sure the color spread evenly.

As it dissolved, she was suprised to see pink in the middle of it, frowning slightly at this she watched it give the water almost a blood like hidden tint when she cupped the water in her hands and lifted it out, watching it turn from black, to red, to clear water again.

Smiling once again she sank into the water, her hair annoyingly rubbing and catching on the water on the tub wall she was slipping down.

Pulling her head under she quickly pushed it back up and gasped for air, wiping away the water from her eyes and pressing it out of her hair so it wouldn't run down her face.

She rolled onto the her stomach, leaning against her elbows and arms as she stared at the black water, noticing the small amount of glitter hidden.

"Oooo" like a child she was amazed, then again isn't everyone when you get a bath bomb with a suprise?

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