Fear fatality

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Senew sat in his room, laying with a bottle of beer in his hand and a cigarette in his mouth. He needed a way to relax, to think he would marry the flat chest crazy girl was beyond all common sense, not to mention she was still a child size woman.

"Not even legal" he thought as he stared at the floor, sleeves rolled up. Taking the cigarette out of his mouth and blowing out smoke, he sighed and finished off the beer bottle setting it next to the other two on his floor.

"And who said I even liked her, I'm just scared to die! That's reasonable though and.....god her flat chest is a major problem" he groaned and put out the lights on the cigarette in the ash try next to him, letting the little wisp's of smoke float in the air before going away.

"OOOH SENEW~" senew flinched at the call of his name as he turned around to see Addolorata standing in his doorway, bag on her back as she smiled widely.

"Your gonna take me to school!" She said with Glee as she walked over and stood in front of him.

"What do you think of my dress?" The dress was short and red, the white dress shirt under kept buttoned all the way up with a black bow around her neck hidden under the collar. Her stockings only went above the knee with their cream color and the light red shoes matched the dress perfectly. Her hair had been done in even more curls, with red ribbon curled all through it that was darker then her actual hair color. Her backpack was red to match, resting on her back in it's solid block like way.

"You look....like a kid" Addolorata froze, feeling her heart about to shatter. She wanted a compliment, not a heartless statement.

"Idiot" she growled under her breath as she pouted and leaned over.

"Are you saying I look childish! I wanted a compliment love!" She puffed up her cheeks, senew looking unimpressed.

"I'm telling you the truth Addolorata, I'm not going to sugar coat my words" he said standing up and grabbing her arm, dragging her out of his apartment.

"And I'm most certainly not taking you to school!" Addolorata ripped her arm away.

"Why not?!" She demanded as she stomped her foot on the ground.

"Because, I'm not your uncle, not your dad, not a relative of any kind! Wouldn't that seem odd to your school buddy's?" He asked, not caring but making up an excuse. Addolorata looked away, sighing as she hugged herself.

"My driver often drops me off and well......when he does people assume things when he's different each time.......I've heard it all, but now I just ignore it" she leaned over to him, wrapped her arms around his waist.

"And you make me happy, I just wanna spend time with you" she smiled up at him, like dog she seemed happy to be around him, if she had a tail with would be wagging furiously. Senew sighed, picking her up and looking her in the eye.

"Fine, I'll take you to school, any special reason why?" He demanded, closing his apartment door and walking towards the elevator.

"Yup!" She giggled looking at him with something hidden in those mischievous blue eyes.

"I'm gonna show you a time on the town~" she giggled, cupping his cheeks and placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I'm taking you out on a date" she smiled.

Addolorata bounced in her seat, looking around in the view of her window. Tapping her fingers on her bag in her lap she smiled widely. Glancing over at Senew she noticed the fear on his face, frowning she turned her head over to him.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, watching him closely. The car stopped, Senew looking over at her.

"This the school, get out" Addolorata sighed. Getting on her knees and leaning over, placing a kiss on his cheek and getting out of the car, only for it to drive off after she shut the door.

The sound of her feet clicking, the shoes against the ground. Addolorata walked down the hallway of her school, head high as she kept focused on getting to her class so she could get a good grade on a important test.

"HEY ANNA!" Addolorata turned around, eyes widening at the sight of a girl with a voice recorder in her hand.

"Need something?" Asked Addolorata, unamused at this point in time.

"I'd like to interview you! For the school paper!" Said the girl smiling, her green lime hair in pigtails. Addolorata quickly turned around, walking away into her classroom, the girl being persistent and following her in. As Addolorata sat down and got out her notebook, just to study, the girl began to pester her with all kinds of questions.

"So are you going to get a boyfriend?"

"Got an eye on anyone?"

"What do you look for in a man?"

"Do you secretly still like Micheal?"

"Are you and him secretly dating?"

"Have you see Mich-" she was quickly slapped across the face, causing the whole room of students to look at her as she roared with anger.

"Speak one more word out of your mouth, and I'll need to get new shoes!" She hissed at her, sitting back down and going back to studying. The girl quickly got up, about to leave when Addolorata spoke up.

"To answer your question, I already have a boyfriend, and no...I have no clue where Micheal is" the girl turned, looking at Addolorata before backing up slightly towards the door, darting into the hall with news and a bruise forming on her face from the slap.

Addolorata groaned, tapping her foot as people behind her we're whispering about the morning incident, the girl already putting it in the school news. She was standing outside, waiting for her car to pull up so she could leave and go home to change.

"God damnit senew, get your ass here faster" she thought angrily, eye brow twitching as she turned and glared at everyone, who flinched. Sure Addolorata was small, not intimidating on first meeting but as you slowly get to know her she becomes terrifying. From her fascination with knives and guns, to how she often has to sit out from gym due to injuries on her body.

"Wait do I have gym tomorrow?" She thought as she pulled out her phone, looking for her reminders and seeing that she did indeed have gym class.

"Shit" she thought, knowing she would have to wear the ugly gym uniform, and not to mention the fact the teacher would nag her by asking why she wouldn't join the cheerleaders, saying how she would be perfect because of her height to her flexibility. Still getting annoyed by the sound of whispers, she was ready to scream, hand on the bow on her head, when suddenly her father's car pulled up and saw her dad get out.

"DADDY!" She squealed, running up to him and hugging his torso tightly.

"Oomph, hey sweetheart, sorry I'm late" he said with a chuckle as he walked her around to the passenger seat.

"It's ok daddy! You got here just in time to! I was getting ready to take off my bow!" She said smiling, everyone shivering at those words.

The last time Addolorata had taken off her bow, she was suspended for a week and left a kid in the hospital with a impaired bone fracture on their left arm and twisted their foot backwards. Addolorata had gotten a bruise over her eye and a scrapped knee with a scratch on her calf, her father threatened to go to court but she stopped him by saying she had taken care of it. Nobody really talked about that day, not unless they wanted a death wish, not if they wanted another fight like that again.

"Heh, well then let's go home" said Marlow as he shut the door after she climbed in, going to the other side and getting in, driving off towards home after turning around.

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