Wench tears

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"Senew you jerk!" Sobbed Allison, falling to her knees.

"You always do this! You never believe me!" She cried out, rubbing away at her face till her skin was becoming raw and red.

"I always believed you, but now I'm not sure that was a good idea" Senew looked back over at Addolorata's face, running his thumb softly over her face to get rid of the tears before he held her closer in a somewhat comforting hug.

"No you didn't!" Screamed Allison, standing up now and her face slowly turning more red.

"Allison, I'm not going to go argue with you" hissed Senew, standing up and taking Addolorata up in his arms.

"No! Your going to listen to me!"

"No Allison, I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"No! I'm leaving!"

"You can't leave! Not with that brat!"

"Allison, step aside" Senew had walked over to the door, hand almost on the handle of only Allison didn't block the path.

"Senew please let me explain!"

"No, I'm not having this discussion with you!"

"Please Senew!"

"Allison, move!" Allison shook her head, not bothering to move as Senew growled, setting down Addolorata and grabbing hold of Allison.

"Senew...please" tears ran down her cheeks, she suddenly started to scream when Senew lifted her and began to move her aside.

She kicked and cried out, Addolorata's eye twitching.


"Allison! Stop your going to make me-"

There was a sudden thud as Allison and Senew fell to the floor.


"Fucking hell Allison" hissed Senew, only to suddenly freeze as he got up from his soft landing.

His hand had pinned down her shirt, exposing one of her breasts due to how the fabric slipped against skin.

His knee was between her thighs and her hair sprawled out under her head.

One of her knees was again his crotch, her hands next to her head and hands curling slightly as they tensed.

Addolorata stared at them, her fake tears coming to a halt. She clenched her teeth, grinding them together as she stood up and fumed with anger.

"Senew...." His head turned faster then normal with her angry tone.

"Addolorata, don't you dare" Addolorata's hand was already gripping the edge of her skirt, ready to fling it into the air and grab hold of her pistols.

"Addolorata......." Addolorata watched, the air so thick with tenstion that you could cut it with a butter knife.

"S...Senew" Allison slowly reached up her hands, tilting Senew's face towards her and away from Addolorata.

Slowly her hands brought down his face, his eyes wide in fear as her lips encased his in a single moment.

Addolorata grew pissed

Swiftly Senew pulled away, looking over and Addolorata and her enraged face.

"Addolorata don't do it, don't do it or I'll.....," Senew didn't know what to say, not like much could get the girl to stop.

"Do it and I'll never love you!" He stated on a whim.

Addolorata didn't care.

Addolorata didn't listen, she didn't heed the warning as she darted forward, kicking Senew off of Allison and grabbing the woman by the hair as she screamed. Allison kicked and grabbed at Addolorata's tiny wrist, yet Addolorata licked her hands onto Allison's hair and didn't plan on letting go.

Allison kicked and screamed, Senew darting to his feet and grabbing Addolorata by the waist and attempting to lift her up.

"GET HER OFF!" Cried Allison as she squirmed, Addolorata attempting to rip hair from it's pores in Allison's scalp.

"Addolorata LET GO!"

"NO, I DON'T CARE IF SHES YOUR EX! THIS WENCH WENT TO FAR!" She screamed, kicking Senew in the crotch with her heel.

She hit the floor with her knees, pain sending up shivers on her spin as she got up and yanked strands of hair from Allison's head.

Addolorata sat on the woman's stomach, pummeling her fist into her face and chin.

Allison continued to try and get Addolorata off, eventually throwing Addolorata to the ground, right before running towards her own room and locking the door.

Addolorata stood up, growling slowly as she looked at the door in anger and began to kick it, before getting pulled from the apartment by Senew and down to the ground floor and outside.

"Addolorata, WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Senew had dragged Addolorata outside, sat her on the curb, and started yelling at her.

"SHE KISSED YOU!", She screamed, anger and tears forming.

"That doesn't give you the right to try and kill her!"

"It gives me every right to!"

"No it doesn't!"

"She's a whore anyway!"

"You could go to jail!"


"I don't want to die!"

"I DON'T CARE!" Addolorata stomped her foot on the concrete, anger boiling up inside her as tears began to fall.

"I don't care....you...you stupid...stupid man!" She sobbed, getting up and walking to her limo.

"Addolorata....." Senew's words trailed off, he didn't know what to say to her, at least not to make her more emotional.

"Find your own way home, you jerk faced slut" she spat, still crying as she climbed into the limo, slamming the door shut.

Senew watched the limo drive off down the road, he was so fucked.

Rubbing his head he went back up to the apartment, carefully knocking on the door.

"Allison.....it's me....look I just wanted-" the door swung open, Allison's battered and bruised skin, messy hair, and even wrinkled up lingerie made her look horrible.

"I'm sorry Allison, I'm sorry about Addolorata and everything that's been going on" he rubbed the back of his neck, he didn't expect forgiveness, he just waited for a slap and the door slammed in his face.

But it never came.

Instead he was met with a gentle hug, Allison's face against his chest and her warm body bringing him into the tightest hug she could.

"It's ok Senew, I don't blame you, I was stupid for not reading the situation before" Senew slowly brought his hand down, resting it on her head.

"Would you....." Allison bit her bottom lip, cheeks tinting red as her strap fell off her shoulder.

"Like to make it up to me?" Senew looked at her, smiling before allowing himself inside.

"That sounds delightful~"

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