Pretty little psycho!

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Addolorata huffed as she was suddenly pushed off Senew, watching him get up as she quickly stood up, tugging at her shirt to make sure no dirt ruined her clothes. But before she could even check, her arm was grabbed by Senew as he dragged her off down the path, her eyes wide with confusion.

"What are you doing, let go!" She wailed as she tried to pull away like a child.

"Your dad wanted us on this little date, so we're fucking going on a little date you shit" Addolorata stopped her whining and pulled her head towards her hand, opening her mouth and digging her teeth into his hand causing him to let go and stare at her.

"The hell?!" She crossed arms, only to be thrown over his shoulder as she squealed and kicked, her legs hitting his stomach, only for Senew to suddenly grab hold of them and keep them together.

"Don't wanna!" Said Addolorata like a child as Senew pushed her forward.

"Do it and I'll get you candy kid" Addolorata huffed and walked forward to the man who latched her into the set, belt and everything as she stuck out her tounge at Senew.

"Just so you know I'm doing this because I want to!" She hissed as he to was latched in, then set latch into each other, confused Addolorata looked at the man hooking them up to the line.

"Children have to be with an adult" before Addolorata could even scream Senew pushed off the wooden platform, Addolorata latched onto the restrain as Senew trail his hands down her side, unbuckling the connecting straps so they could be farther apart then right against each other as they rode down the line. Addolorata stared at the falling sun, hair blowing in the wind, Senew watching her every single move as she just stared, spinning slightly and turning to face him.

"It's so....pretty" she breathed, wanting to watch it forever as she felt Senew's hand latch onto the cheek of her face, trailing a thumb under her eye.

Slowly she locked eyes with him, a feeling driving into her lungs, her heart and every bone in her body.

She felt weightless, like she could grow wings and fly into the sunset like the birds did.

The view was beautiful, to her she had never seen anything like it.

The moutain canyon, the river that flowed between it and the few trees and flowers that grew in the rocky land.

She leaned forward, her lips locking with Senew's as his other hand grabbed hold of the other side of her face, thumb near her ear and hand behind, tangled in her loose strands of hair.

The moment almost felt fake to her, as if trying to breath was harder then believe this was fake. She wanted it to be real, she knew it couldn't be real, he was only doing it to make her happy.

She knew of boys like Senew, tough and at times cathartic, but only when in a night of passion when in a hotel room with a big breasted woman.

Slowly her lips pulled away, her eyes opening as she felt tears begin to rush to the corner of her eyes as she kicked off his chest, turning her back to him as the rope seemed to go on for so long. The few scattered clouds, the sound of air rushing past her ears and Senew trying to speak, she couldn't stand it.

She wanted to be home, in her comfy bed watching TV, eating nothing but junk food only to go on a run the next morning alone with a knife in her hand to go somewhere to stab a tree. It didn't matter she wanted to go back to her normal life, where Senew was never there, but then again life became more fun with him around.

"Senew you idiot" thought Addolorata, not noticing up ahead a string was snapping.

"Why did you do something like that" she wanted to ask, she wanted to turn and beg for an awnser.

Her vision flashed white as she began to fall, the string snapping as the rope she was sliding down split into two. Her body turned towards Senew, who reached out to try and grab her, pulling her close and wrapping his arms around her body with his back towards the ground.

"Why are you trying to save me, if I were to go away you would be free" she thought as she was falling, holding onto the shirt tightly with her small hands, eyes closing as the wind became heavy as she pressed her head close to his chest.

"Maybe then you could be happy, long away from me, maybe that will get you to smile, just once for the love of life" she wanted to utter as she was suddenly pushed away, hearing a splash as she screamed his name.

Feeling her stomach hurl, mind go black and eyes nearly pop out of her head as she felt herself cough up an organ, gasping for air.

Her body became limp as she closed her eyes, laying drapped over a stiff branch of a tall tree.

Twigs and leaves poked out her hair, cuts all over her body as broken snapped twigs fall off branches from where she had landed.

Senew resting in the river water as it pushed him to land, eyes closed and passed out as his legs were all cut up, arms to along with his face sprinkled with a cut, that was nothing compared to his back that felt fractured, maybe even broken from the fall, water couldn't save you like that.

Slowly, everyone began to settle into a panic, needing to look for those who fell, for those who might be severely hurt as they lay in the ground below.

Some could have lived or died, bodies would be looked for, and Senew and Addolorata would be along those bodies.

Both covered in marks and cuts, but not without the mentions of how they even got there.

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