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Addolorata let out a hard sigh, one held back from being a scream of rage from before.

She had headed to her favorite dress shop after school, wanting nothing more than to drown herself in soft cotton fabric and heavy layers of petticoats.

She spun around several times in the dress she was trying on, frowning at how it was less of a poof she expected.

It was bright blue, like the ocean with sea foam frost on the edges and colored petticoat layers. It had a matching bow to go with it that rested on the side of Addolorata's head, keeping hair slightly out of her face as she frowned deeply.

She groaned and took it off, slipping it back onto the hanger and right back into her school outfit. Of course she styled her hair differently so that it was more out of her face, even if she preferred it to normally be how it was no matter what.

Playing with her hair she frowned at the fact she couldn't find a single good dress.

She stood in front of the mirror, so close she could see every hidden detail of her face and eyes.

She glanced over her red cheeks, the bags under her eyes, the stains of the tears and how the puffy redness was finally going down.

She questioned if the high of being off her medicine was finally leaving her, or if it had been too long.

Her nose was running and her throat was slick with mucus, her sinuses felt clogged and made her feel even worse than before she got into the shop.

She had already called to tell her limo she would be walking home.

Stepping out she put everything back and went to look again at the racks, nothing worth her time it seemed.

"Addolorata? Hun why are you over here?" Asked the lady at the checkout watching the girl in a lolita dress looking through all of the shirts.

"I can't find anything cute..." She said annoyed and angry, dragging on her words as she groaned.

She was doing her best to hide that mucus drowning voice of hers.

"Let me guess, you fail a test?" Addolorata shook her head as she darted over to a rack with prom dresses on it, even if it was to early for them to be there, Addolorata was allowed in the back when the store was near empty which was there they both were, in the back of the store with a lot of stuff.

The back of the store had been a store itself yet it never was used so it was plastered up and turned into the backroom for the popular store behind it.

"You lost a friend? You ruined a dress? Hair day gone wrong?" Addolorata continued to shake her head sadly.

"Then what's wrong?" Asked the lady putting a sucker into her mouth as she fiddled with her name tag, the name 'Luana" carved into it.

"I broke up with Michael, after two years!" She said walking over and laying on the round counter that was never removed.

"Two years huh? What went wrong?" Asked Luana, messing with her name tag.

"He didn't show me affection! Our love felt so fake I couldn't handle it anymore."

"So explain what's wrong with him?" Addolorata groaned.

"He was sweet and everything but, he was the school flirt! He just wanted my daddy's money and I doubt even cared about me" she sighed.

"Alright then, tell me the worst thing he did" Luana popped the candy out of her mouth, tossing it in the trash before she even finished.

"He never acknowledged when I dressed up for him, he flirted with other girls, and when he kissed me he never did much on my lips! Just on the cheek....", Addolorata sighed, feeling hurt as she hugged herself.

Luana on the other hand, was in a seller crazy mode.

"Oh sweet honey ice tea! Girl you are looking in the wrong place if you need to get over that boy!" Said Luana dramatically as she grabbed Addolorata's hand and dragged her over to a corner of the back room filled with dresses much like the one Addolorata wore.

"Honey pick any dress you like you can have it for free, pick two and you pay for one, buy three and you get two free!" She said in anger of the boy who hurt the girl's feelings.

Hics and sob's came from Addolorata's mouth as she looked at Luana, Luana able to suppress the feeling for the girl.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Screamed Addolorata as she tackled Luana into a hug.

"Oh god!" Luana laughed hugging back with a new sucker in her hand.

"Yeah yeah you crazy kid, go find your dress, 50% off for you" she said petting Addolorata's head before the red hair girl darted towards the dresses.

$ $ $

"Bye Luana! See you around!" Said Addolorata as she walked away from the store in the mall, bags in hand as she smiles with a bounce in her step.

Only to frown when she realized that Michael had left things over at her house and would need to come get them.

"God dammit" she huffed as she began the short walk home annoyed by that information.

He would unfortunately be coming by to get it, no matter, she would leave it all at the front desk with Lucilla and never have to see him.

All Lucilla would do is send a note that he picked up his things and has been banned from entering the building, which was good enough for Addolorata as she could then take the limo to school whenever.

She felt tears already running down her face again, anger boiling inside her as she thought about it.

But something brought Addolorata out of her nightmare turned blissful.

The sounds of trash under a heavy body was like acid to ears, bones raking against each other under skin, blood running from open wounds.

A man covered in scars laid there waiting for death in pain, silently cursing under his breath as he thought of the man he so hated. The sound of footsteps passing the alley, he used what voice he had left to call out for that person

"Help! Please....help me" He begged as he tried to sit up only to fall back in pain, his arm broken almost in two.

The bone stuck out, hand bent in the wrong direction and grime all over it with dirt and who knows what.

"Please, I need medical attention....it hurts...I can't get up" he breathed, voice getting faint and hardly able to make any more conversation with tears running down his face.

Suddenly the footsteps stopped, slowly the ground under them crunching and rolling against the ground as the footsteps directed towards him.

The man could feel himself ready to pass out, his mind drifting off as he looked over at the girl with red hair, staring down at him as she watched him, right before he blacked out.

Addolorata stared at the man, he wasn't bad looking with the bruises and cuts on his face.

His body, sure it was torn and looked awfully painful, but other than that Addolorata couldn't help how warm her cheeks were becoming.

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