Reunited once more

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"Need anything miss Addolorata?" Asked gene, Trainor holding her up so her feet didn't touch the ground.

"Yes, I want tea please" she said, crossing her arms as she was lead outside, carried in Trainor's arms, held almost like a baby or a sleeping child.

Her toes slightly pointed with her eyes closed, her body warmed by the heat that she was annoyed by.

She groaned slightly, her stomach growling.

She didn't understand, was it the drug she had used?

Did she leave it to rest on her tounge too long?

"Something wrong?" Asked Gene as he opened the Jeep door, the car ment for the rough terrain and hot lands.

"No....I think I drugged myself" she said, placing her hand on her own forhead as she panted slightly, gripping the cloth over her stomach.

_ _

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Demanded Gene as Trainor was on the phone with Marlow, Addolorata laying on her back in the back seat of the Jeep.

"I was doing what I had to Gene, I didn't want him anywhere near me and he broke that, hell I have a restraining order on him!" She said, hugging her stomach as the world was growing black, a cold compress on her forhead to try and keep her awake.

"What drug did you even use?!" Demanded Gene as he began to rummage through the glove compartment for something to help her keep awake.

"I don't know....." She drawled, trying to hide her eyes from the sun light.

"HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW?!" Screamed Gene, Trainor hanging up the phone and putting his forhead against the steering wheel.

"Gene.....we got bigger problems" Trainor mumbled, knowing that was probably the wrong thing to say.

"WHATS BIGGER THEN OUR BOSSES DAUGHTER HAVING DRUGGED HERSELF?!?" He screamed, tugging at his black hair as he went to rummage viciously through the glove compartment.

"What's worse?! The boss isn't even picking up! Not to mention her boyfriend is fucking lost!" Argued Trainor as he blasted cold air into the back, hopeing it would keep Addolorata awake.

"No Trainor, what's worse is Addolorata drugged someone! That drug is unknown and we don't know what it could cause! Not to mention she just sent her ex to get gang raped by his stupid lackeies!" Spat Gene, only for Trainor to grab his wrists and close the glove compartment, Making gene look at him.

His sunglasses we're on top of his head, Gene's falling down his nose. Their eyes locked, blue and green, like what was under melted snow and the aspects of winter wonderland.

"Gene listen to me, Jackson is a bastard that deserves what Addolorata gave him. If we weren't here I'm sure she would have done much worse" his winter eyes flicked over to Addolorata, her body still.

Her chest slowly rising and lowering, at a steady pace as she let the cold compress fall to the floor of the Jeep.

"Not to mention, when we got here, he was passed out, it was probably some strong sleeping drug she got from a connection she has. We don't know, if she wakes up with worse symptoms we take her to a hospital. We need to find her boy toy Senew and get her to Marlow before we loose our dicks" Gene's hands twitched as Trainor held them tighter.

Their eyes were still locked as Trainor let go, turning back to the steering wheel and rearing the engine.

Gene leaned back against his seat, taking off his sunglasses and rubbing the area above his eyes before rubbing his temple's with his thumb and middle finger of one hand.

_ _

Senew tapped his foot angerly, watching the man sitting on the ground messing with a dead phone.

"Stop tapping" demanded the man, not looking up at Senew.

Senew glared at him, starting to walk back and forth. The man on the floor felt his eyebrow twitch, groaning he looked up at Senew harshly.

"Could you not! I'm trying my best here!" He argued, pointing to the semi working phone in his lap.

Senew huffed and kept walking, wondering why nobody had bothered to even come back in.

Slowly walking towards the door he pushed it open.

He was angry enough, not only annoyed with being kidnapped but Addolorata was probably having more luck then anything.

He paused, nobody was around, not even a car, just lands of desert and lack of trees in the hot land.

Stepping out and walking around the building, a satellite dish was resting on top of the small worn out cabin shack.

"Hmm" he hummed as he kicked off a rock, hoping onto the roof and hopeing not to fall in. Standing on top of it, he spotted a house a few miles down hill with a car just sitting there.

"Bingo" he said as he got off the roof, sticking his head through a busted window.

"What are you smiling about" said the man, still working on the phone as he sweats.

"I just found our ticket out of here" said Senew with a smirk.

_ _

The car roared to life, only for a ding to go off on Addolorata's phone. Her phone had been found with her original clothing in a hamper, which luckily had not been defiled by Jackson's perverted head.

Confused, Gene picked it up, only to freeze.

He couldn't unlock the phone yes, but on a mini message on the screen was from a number location.

"What did you find?" Asked Trainor, taking the phone, wanting to see what he had found on Addolorata's phone.

The phone vibrated in his hand, the number attempting to call.

Confused, as there was a lack of reception out this far from the city, not to mention the fact even Addolorata could contact them was suprising as her voice was falling out from the call.

Flicking the awnser button and holding his breath, Trainor held it to his ear.

"Hello?" He asked, again holding his breath as his eyes flickered to Gene then Addolorata.

"Little sis?"

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