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Seeing that his master attached great importance to the visitor, He Xin quickly responded, "Don't worry, master, the guests have already been arranged in the front hall."

After hearing this, Xia Rong felt relieved, and quickly walked to the front hall with the people. As soon as I entered the room, I saw a man dressed in a crimson gown with golden embroidered wishful cloud patterns as a married man sitting side by side. 

Although the man was wearing bright clothes, his eyebrows and eyes were cold, and his demeanor seemed contradictory but made people feel I think this is what this person should be.

When Xia Rong saw that person, she called out affectionately, "Brother Gu." Although Gu Chen's appearance made it difficult to get close all of a sudden, the friendship he had known since childhood let Xia Rong know that he was a very gentle person in his heart.

When Gu Chen heard the voice, he turned his head and saw a young man with a flushed face and a little panting because he was rushing over. 

He couldn't help but smile when he saw the person who came here with a cold face, and said after Xia Rong took his seat, "Rong'er, I just came back with my husband and heard that the Xia family asked you to marry, and I didn't send you off." I came here to look for you because of the invitation, and now you look better than before you were married."

Looking at the young man sitting opposite, with red lips, white teeth, delicate skin, curled up eyelashes like two small fans when sitting there drinking tea with his head down, he is still as cute and cute as before he got married. But this complexion is obviously not a bit better than when he was in Xiafu.

"Brother Gu is worried. Rong'er has a good life in Shen's house, and my husband treats me very well." Xia Rong smiled, and she was a little embarrassed to say that my husband treated him well in front of Gu Chen, "Brother Gu How did the two years go? Will you leave this time when you come back? How is brother-in-law?" Gu Chen married his childhood sweetheart Lu Tingsheng two years ago, and the two hit it off. 

This Lu Tingsheng has been in poor health since he was a child. Although he has a reputation as a scholar, he has no intention of career. After they got married, they had to take care of Lu Tingsheng's health, so they lived in Zhuangzi to cultivate.

Gu Chen didn't know that he changed the subject, and he didn't mind, "You also know that your brother-in-law's health is not good, but the doctor also said that as long as he is more careful, it will be fine. 

The reason why he came back this time is because Tingsheng's younger sister is separated from him. He's going to get married in a few days, he, the older brother, has to come back and have a look."

Speaking of this, Gu Chen became serious, "It's you, tell me what's going on with the Xia family. Isn't it Xia Tian who has a marriage contract with the Shen family? Why did you get married in the end?" Xia Rong is younger than him Three years old, fourteen years old, how could such a young Xia family let him marry.

Xia Rong knew that he would ask this question, and didn't hide it, so she talked about how Xia's mother persuaded Xia's father at the beginning, and sent him to the sedan chair regardless of whether he agreed or not. Talk about ruined reputations.

"Brother Gu, I know you care about me, but in fact, I should thank the Xia family. After I got married, I lived a very good life, and my husband-in-law loved me very much.

 After all, the Xia family raised me for those years. Although I don't resent you now They, but forget about the others." He was just being naive, but he didn't understand anything, when his father ignored him and sent him to the sedan chair, he already had no idea about the family.

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