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Xia Rong had been staring at the fruits on the crabapple tree in the yard for not a day or two, eagerly waiting for the day when she could pick them. Xia Rong got up early in the morning and looked into the yard through the window. 

Most of the fruits on the tree were stained with carmine due to the light rain last night, falling among the green leaves, which was very eye-catching.

Seeing this scene, Xia Rong couldn't bear it any longer, and hurriedly recruited He Xin and He Miao to come in to wash him up, and after a casual breakfast, she led the servants in the yard to get busy.

First, pick most of the fruits on the tree, and dig out the calyx and stalks on the fruits one by one, then cook the washed and pierced crabapple fruits in a large pot, add appropriate amount of sugar for three times, and heat on low heat Cook until the skin of the fruit cracks. 

Then the boiled fruit needs to be marinated in an airtight clay pot for a whole day. At the end, drain the sugar water with a strainer, and wait for it to dry naturally before eating.

Xia Rong looked at the two jars of crabapple fruit that could only be opened tomorrow, as if she could already predict the taste of the preserved fruit. It's the kind of sweet with a hint of sour taste, smash it and smash it in your mouth, the more you think about it, the more greedy you will be, let's eat a piece of pine nut candy first.

Xia Rong returned to the room, looked at the half-made man's underwear on the embroidery frame, found out the needle and thread, and continued to make it. Xia Rong's needlework is not very good. Most of what he knows now is learned by himself.

 For example, playing chess is because he wants to pass the time. After a long time, he will learn it. He had no interest in sewing at all, and no one above him pressured him to learn it. Naturally, it was not very good. It would be fine to make a small purse and a fan cover, but it would be a bit difficult to make clothes.

But with caring people in mind, this needlework is endowed with another meaning. I want to watch him use the purse he made and wear the clothes he made.

The clothes that are worn outside need to be particular about to be seen by others, but he wants to try the clothes that are worn inside. Although he had a good idea, but looking at the out-of-shape underwear made by himself, Xia Rong thought a little bit, if Xianggong dares to despise the clothes he made, he will never make them for him again, hmph.


Shen Xiangyan led the people on the road overnight, and it was already three o'clock when they arrived home. Fortunately, Fengyu's country is safe and peaceful, and the country is open-minded, and there is no such thing as a curfew, otherwise he would not be able to drive in the middle of the night. 

After knocking on the door, Lao Feng, who was in charge of the night watch tonight, still wondered why there was still a knock on the door at such a late hour. When he opened the door, he saw that his master had returned, and greeted him excitedly.

The master is back, Zhengjun should rest assured this time. Since the master went to the south, not only Zhengjun was looking forward to the master's return every day, but even the servants of them were looking forward to it together. 

Hearing the movement at the gate, several guards following the night watch were also alarmed. After a while, all the servants in the house knew that it was the master who had returned. It was Shen Xiangyan who hurriedly told them to keep their voices quiet so as not to disturb Xia Rong who had already fallen asleep. 

Only then did the servants lower their voices.

After Shen Xiangyan arranged the seven or eight carriages he brought back and the people who came back, he didn't forget to wash off the dust on his body after returning to Haitang Courtyard, and then he went back to the main room lightly.

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