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The next day, Qin Yue brought people to kowtow to Shen Xiangyan. Before Shen Xiangyan could stop him, Liu Ran knelt down and kowtowed to him three times, "Thank you, Lord Hou, for taking me in these days. Liu Ran is very grateful." 

Shen Xiangyan saw that Liu Ran was still very thin although he didn't look as ill as before, so he asked one more question, "I wonder what the young master Liu plans to do in the future?"

Liu Ran's heart was miserable. With what happened before, his father would definitely not recognize him again, and naturally he couldn't go back to that family. 

He didn't know whether he should breathe a sigh of relief or be sad, but he had the cheek to get shelter from Lord Shen for so long, and he really didn't have the face to stay any longer. place, not to mention that there is no unparalleled road.

Shen Xiangyan saw that although Liu Ran was down and out, he had a rare bit of backbone, which was also rare in Shuang'er. 

He looked up and saw that Qin Yue had lost his soul because of Liu Ran's words just now, forget it, and help the two of them, "Benhou heard from Shen An that you have a talent for making incense. Don't mind, I'll stay in Xiangzi to help in the future."

He was already planning to leave after today, but as for Lord Shen, if he can repay his kindness in this life, Liu Ran is obliged to do so, and if he does not have this opportunity, he will repay in the next life. 

I originally planned for the worst, but I didn't expect to be able to stay in the end. Liu Ran was momentarily overwhelmed by the huge surprise. It wasn't until Qin Yue reminded him that Liu Ran couldn't hide his excitement and thanked Shen Hou God's grace.

Seeing his grateful expression, Shen Xiangyan smiled and said, "You don't have to be too grateful, Benhou's shop is not a place to eat for free, and if you don't do well by then, the manager won't keep you for my sake".  

What Shen Xiangyan didn't elaborate on was that Liu Ran did have some talent for making incense. Shen An had mentioned this matter to him two or three times, so he was kept. Shen Xiangyan also had a selfish heart. The future development is also good.

Liu Ran understood. During his temporary stay in the shop, he had already seen that Xiangzilai's management was quite different from other shops. Everything was done in accordance with the regulations, and there were rules for rewards and punishments. 

Compared with other store managers who bullied the subordinates at will, Liu Ran felt that this method was more than a little bit better, so he didn't mind Shen Xiangyan's words very much.

"Don't worry, Lord Hou, Liu Ran will definitely live up to Lord Hou's high expectations." After saying that, he kowtowed again, and Shen Xiangyan sat down and accepted his gift this time.

After Shen Xiangyan dismissed these two people, he looked at the accounts again, and saw that it was getting late, so he prepared to get up and go back to Haitang Courtyard. On the way, he met He Xin who was about to look for him. 

Seeing that his expression was not right, Shen Xiangyan knew that there must be something wrong. He was afraid that something happened to Xia Rong, so he asked before he could open his mouth, "But Zhengjun?" What happened then?"

He Xin could tell the priority of the matter clearly, and did not dare to hide it, "The tourmaline who shared the room with Fei Cui told the servant a few days ago that Fei Cui's recent behavior was a bit suspicious. 

Now that Zhengjun's health is in critical condition, the servant would rather I didn't dare to let it go if I missed it, so I decided to bring a few women to arrest Fei Cui, and found this from her." He said and handed a pack of white medicine powder to Shen Xiangyan.

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