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Chapter 19 Global Oceanization 19

on the helicopter.

Sitting in the back seat, Ning Qianqian couldn't help but recall the scene when she met Zhou Baozhu's brother Zhou Baochuan yesterday.

As soon as the brothers and sisters of the Zhou family came in and sat down, Zhou Baochuan cut to the chase and first paid off the 130 million yuan escort fee promised by Zhou Baozhu and the 400 million yuan owed for primary strengthening medicine with gold, silver jewelry and top-quality jade, and insisted on giving an extra 5000 yuan. The share of 10,000 is said to be the profit for Ning Qianqian's primary strengthening potion.

It has to be said that the Zhou brothers and sisters are very good at life.

Ning Qianqian thinks that Zhou Baozhu can be regarded as a new friend. In this apocalyptic situation where survival is difficult, she still uses primary strengthening potions to earn money from her friends. The price of the medicine.

But there is no benefit for a dime, and it is troublesome for myself. It is okay to help once, but it is impossible to do more.

It is a duty to help, and it is also a duty not to help. It is better to do less than to do more.

10% of the profit is not high, but it can make Ning Qianqian feel that she has not suffered a loss, and she has made a small profit.

The brothers and sisters of the Zhou family are so good at things, Ning Qianqian has a little more confidence in the cooperation.

Zhou Baochuan saw that Ning Qianqian accepted the 50 million yuan, and took out top-quality gems, jade and antiques worth 600 million yuan, saying that he wanted to buy another primary strengthening potion for his own use.

When Zhou's family came to take refuge in L City, in addition to sufficient living supplies, they basically brought valuable treasures and belongings with them.

But even if these things were collected, the foundation of the Zhou family would be almost emptied.

Zhou Baochuan wanted to give a share to several elders, but financial resources did not allow it.

In terms of benefits, Zhou Baochuan still needs to take the primary strengthening potion to better protect his family.

Zhou Baochuan also offered to offer him that if they were willing to provide him with a supernatural energy core extract that was suitable for his physique and had a chance of awakening over 50%, then the entire Zhou family would serve them.

They don't have much gold, silver and jewelry, but the Zhou family's property, contacts, and relationship network in L City are still very useful in the short term.

It has to be said that business elites have flexible brains, and they want to go with Huo Langzhou, a business tycoon.

So, when Huo Langzhou proposed cooperation, Zhou Baochuan happily agreed.

Even if there is no primary strengthening potion, it is of great benefit to the Zhou family to have the right to sell a large number of survival materials.

Ning Qianqian put on the energy see-through AI glasses bought for 8 amethyst coins, which can show the degree of compatibility between Zhou Baochuan and the remaining body enhancement and wind energy core.

The fit degree of the former is 35%, and the fit degree of the latter is 81%.

After taking the primary strengthening potion and then injecting the source core extract, the failure to awaken the power will not have too many side effects, at most it will be bed rest for a few days.

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