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Chapter 94 Zombie Attack 28

Because the meteorite mountain is too huge, it is not easy to move, and it was originally located in the suburbs. After the Southwest Institute of Biology was abandoned, the officials ignored it.

It's not completely neglected. After knowing that the zombies near the Meteorite Mountain are extremely powerful, they still regularly send teams of relatively strong supernatural beings to clean up the zombies in Xishui City to prevent these high-level zombies from spreading around.

Originally, the zombies in Xishui City had already been cleared up, but because of the appearance of the Zombie King, he called on the nearby zombies hundreds of kilometers away to gather in the direction of the Meteorite Mountain.

Recently, there have been more zombies in Xishui City.

Therefore, Ning Qianqian and his group of more than a dozen people did not have to worry about finding any zombies to kill.

There are almost no low-level zombies in the entire Xishui City, all of them are mid-level and high-level zombies from all over the place, and the lowest level is 6!

In order to better observe everyone's strength, Ning Qianqian asked everyone to divide into several groups and form a team with familiar friends.

The first to strike was the twin brothers Shao Wen and Shao Wu. One of them fought in melee and the other hid in the dark to snipe. They cooperated very tacitly.

Although Shao Wen is better at long-distance attack, his close-combat ability is not bad. He moves coquettishly, has excellent self-protection ability, and is good at throwing grenades and guns.

Shao Wu is a good shooter, but he is not only blindly reckless, he is also very capable when the enemy is strong and we are weak.

Well done.

Jin Yu is a lone ranger. As she said, she is more like an assassin, with fast speed, high attack and low defense.

When fighting, she is very calm and likes to wait for the opportunity to move. After seeing the timing of the attack, she will take a sneak attack and take the enemy away with a wave of high burst output.

If you can't take it away in one wave, she will retreat first if she hits a certain amount of damage. Who made her thin-skinned?

Moreover, every time Jin Yu was injured, he liked to go around to where Ruan Youran was, and let Ruan Youran heal her injury.

If you want to say that Jin Yu gave Ning Qianqian the impression that she was extremely cautious and afraid of death.

There is nothing wrong with this. In the end-time world, life-saving is the first priority.

Ruan Youran has been teaming up with Lei Yan all this time, the attack power of the scalpel she flies is not high, but with Lei Yan's powerful lightning output, she only needs to use the levitation combat boots to follow behind Lei Yan , when Lei Yan's lightning-type ability electrifies the zombies so that they can't fight back, just make up the knife at the right time to harvest the heads.

The combination of the two is also very tacit and skillful.

The combination of Ning Qianqian and Huo Langzhou, Ning Mingda and Mo Ya was divided into two teams, and the two complement each other, and they cooperated very well.

Ning Mingda actually wanted to be in a team with Ning Qianqian, but with his levitation combat boots, his speed couldn't keep up with Ning Qianqian's space system, Huo Langzhou's wind system and space system, and the fighting rhythm was not as fast as Ning Qianqian's and Huo Langzhou's .

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