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Chapter 24 Global Oceanization 24

In the next three days, Ning Qianqian ran all over the emerald mines in country M.

The miners in these mines have already run away, and the owners of the mines have also tried their own ways to escape. It is impossible to mine again before the arrival of global oceanization, and it will be even more impossible after it arrives. Therefore, these mines, nine Chengdu is judged by the system or world consciousness as an unowned rare resource, and Ning Qianqian can recycle it.

Anyway, as long as this world can still exist, things will return in the future.

As for the top-quality jade in the hands of the rich, Bella sent people to snatch it before.

The things were in Bella's hands, part of them was absorbed by Bella, and most of them were in Ning Qianqian's hands.

There are still a lot of top-grade jadeite left, handed over to Liu Hui, who can speak the language of M country, and 13 other supernatural beings from M country who were half-lived by the low-level version of the primary strengthening potion, provided by Ning Qianqian The materials are exchanged with rich people in country M.

Lu Ze stayed in the hotel, taking care of Wu Fei, who was awakening Mizuki's ability, and from time to time, he used his spiritual imprint to check whether these M country's abilities wanted to take supplies and run away.

Fortunately, those who can withstand the double torture of Bella and the black bear without defecting are all of good character and work hard.

If he encounters evil supernatural beings or ordinary people, Lu Ze doesn't need to rush over and confront them in order to deal with them.

After receiving all of Bella's spiritual energy and using the dream trial many times, Lu Ze's psychic power and dream trial power have been upgraded to the third level, and he can place a mental mark across a hundred miles, and he can also use it when people fall asleep. After that, cast "Dream Judgment".

Lu Ze has become a nightmare that countless villains never wake up from.


Huo Langzhou drove the plane and accompanied Ning Qianqian to N emerald mines, and occasionally accompanied her deep into the mines, using earth-type abilities to support the mine that was suddenly "hollowed out" of the emerald core and almost collapsed.

Three days later, Ning Qianqian said to Huo Langzhou with a happy face: "My fortune in these three days is really good."

Not only did she pay off the loan she owed the system for buying the Energy Devouring Ball, not to mention paying off the remaining 576 Amethyst Coins, but also spent 300 Amethyst Coins to upgrade the Energy Devouring Ball. Now the Energy Devouring Ball can hold four The supernatural energy of the attribute.

For the fourth ability, Ning Qianqian temporarily chose the earth element to recharge Huo Langzhou. This is really useful for mining.

Later, change the earth system to the spirit system, and let the younger brother No. 2 Lu Ze also act as a humanoid charging treasure for her.

In addition, Ning Qianqian had 150 amethyst coins left in her hand.

According to the previous agreement with Huo Langzhou, for every one hundred amethyst coins she earned, she would give him 5 amethyst coins as a material commission.

Huo Langzhou didn't know the exact value of the jade that Ning Qianqian collected in the mine, but Ning Qianqian didn't intend to hide anything about it.

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