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Chapter 34 The Return of the Ice River 3

Ning Qianqian finished shopping in the mall, ate a hot pot meal, and packed a lot of fresh food in the mall.

By the time Ning Qianqian put on the mask, only a pair of eyes were exposed from the whole body, carrying a suitcase, and walking towards the hotel under the falling snow, it was already after nine o'clock in the evening.

At this time, the temperature has dropped to 0 degrees.

Before, Ning Qianqian felt that she had a helicopter in her hand and would soon leave Nancheng to join her friends, so she chose the hotel as a temporary stop.

Now that helicopters and yachts are out of use, Ning Qianqian began to think about how to live next.

Do you want to rent a house in Nancheng and settle down, relying on the supplies you have hoarded for three months, or find a way to reunite with friends who are not too far away?

In the several Ice Age-related movies she watched, the protagonists all migrated all the way, looking for places with relatively warmer climates.

After thinking about it for a while, Ning Qianqian decided that she could rent a house, anyway, she had no shortage of cash and food that could be used to offset the rent.

As for looking for a place with a relatively warm climate... Now she is alone, it must be inconvenient to go on the road, and no one is on duty to keep watch at night if she wants to sleep.

With an idea in mind, Ning Qianqian's steps became brisk.

However, she didn't walk for long with her suitcase when she met three men who suddenly appeared from around the corner of the street.

Two of the three are level 2 and one is level 3, all of them are supernatural beings.

Among them, the person with the third-level strength department stood at the front, burly and vicious, and said viciously: "Robbery! Hand over your supply box!" Ning Qianqian heard

that Duan Kai could sense her at the hotel in the morning. The strength is more than level 2, and the words reveal the meaning of wanting to form a team with her.

Later, because Duan Kai learned that she was Liu Fen's ex-sister, Duan Kai should have dispelled the idea, but this incident also reminded Ning Qianqian that if she was alone, she would show too much strength, and she would be in trouble. Many want to hug their thighs.

After pondering for a while, Ning Qianqian used her mental power to activate the imprint of hidden aura added to her by her father of the global marine world consciousness on the outside of her source core.

This imprint only hides the golden light of merit and virtue on her body, and hides her awareness of the world, but does not hide her supernatural power level.

During the few days of rest in reality, Ning Qianqian thought about it, this hidden mark can also be used to cover up her ability level to the outside world.

Ning Qianqian then adjusted her ability level from level 4 to level 2, and what appeared to the outside was the energy of the water system.

Such a level is neither high nor low among supernatural beings, so it's not considered eye-catching.

Unexpectedly, robbers would also be attracted.

In the last world, she had the experience of leading the M country's dark supernatural powers alliance and the Qingmang gang. Ning Qianqian is not a vase with little combat power.

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