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20 BBYKiros, Expansion Region

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20 BBY
Kiros, Expansion Region

Jaika let out a deep sigh, pausing her meditation. Ever since the battle on Umbara, Jaika could not shake the unsettling feeling which resided within her. After experiencing the deception of a Jedi first hand, the girl could not imagine what more could come to the war. As well as the Jedi; Jaika looked up to so many Masters who had gained noble reputations throughout the war. Krell's actions made Jaika question whether the other Jedi within the council were as noble as they were celebrated. Though Jaika could feel that not all Jedi within the Council were cunning or full of schemes, as Jaika knew that Plo Koon and Kit Fisto were two of the most virtuous Jedi in the galaxy; but despite their honor, Jaika started to question those around her.

She had to admit that she was growing tired; not just physically, but also mentally. The constant betrayal and ambushes that accompanied the Jedi wherever they went; as every simple mission turned into a week long rescue. The war was growing, festering across every system of the galaxy. There were barely any neutral systems; now as the influences of both sides had infected so many peaceful planets. That was something Jaika noticed; there were only two sides, there were barely any room for neutrality without becoming a risk of occupation, by either side. The presence of peace, in its natural form, was starting to dwindle.

The girl questioned how much more they had to sacrifice to win the war. The Republic had spent so much on the constant creation of the clones and its equipment; while also treading into planets that they held no quarrel with. Sometimes Jaika had wonder whether some campaigns were worthwhile; were they making more enemies through their forces? 

Jaika's communicator rung from its place on her wrist. The girl stood up and straightened her robes that were protected with battle armor. Jaika sighed as she looked at the hybrid of two different worlds; the robes of a peaceful Jedi, and the armor of a soldier - the mixing of the two kind seemed unnatural, but now due to the constant conflict, was becoming a usual sight to the girl. 

Stepping through the darkening halls of the Venator-class Cruiser, Jaika acknowledged each clone that called out to her. The men even stopped their own conversations in order to pay her their own respects. Which caused guilt and sadness to swell within her body, as she noted that the clones could not have their own conversations without having to comply to their programming. They could never be off duty, not completely. 

Entering the bridge, Jaika placed herself beside Obi-Wan. The man wore an aura of concern once she arrived; as the girl was aware that he could sense doubt drifting from her stance. Although Anakin could sense her feelings too, he was not as attentive as Obi-Wan. After the success of Umbara, Obi-Wan had reunited with Jaika, and although their interaction was brief as Jaika had been escorted to report to the Council; Obi-Wan had sensed that something within her had vanished. He had observed how she seemed glum after whatever she had witnessed. 

Everything within Obi-Wan wished that he could have forced her to stay with him during the mission; but he also recognised that if it were not for her volunteering herself, they may have lost a lot more clones. Even still, he wished he could soothe whatever plagued her mind. She was tired, restless and although she tried to mask it, Obi-Wan knew that the girl was suffering with insomnia.

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