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19 BBY

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19 BBY

Coruscant, Core Worlds

Jaika left the briefing room and walked down the spacious halls of the Jedi Temple. She turned a corner and entered the elevator, once the doors closed the girl let out a heavy breath and leaned her back against the walls of the tight compartment. "This is really happening." She muttered to herself. It had been a long time since she had last been on a solo mission, as her last one was from before the war began. Not only that, but she would finally be leading a battalion of troopers. The girl felt nervous of the fact that they were technically under her command now. Though she was relieved that she was leading the Wolfpack, she knew she could rely on them, they never let her down.

The elevator pinged as the doors opened, allowing Jaika to step out into the temple's hanger. She gazed about and observed the various ships that were being maneuvered, as various troopers walked through the space. The hanger doors opened as a gunship landed ahead of her, opening its side doors to reveal a couple of clones with grey painted armor, with a small grumpy astromech waving from beside them. Jaika smiled to herself and began to step towards the ship. "Jaika!" Anakin called out from behind her, making her glance over her shoulder as he walked towards her in a quickened pace.

Once he reached her side, Anakin panted ever so slightly. Jaika raised an eyebrow at him as he forced a smile, "Room for one more?" He asked, motioning towards the gunship. Jaika smirked in response before she sent him a nod. The two Skywalkers continued their walk towards the gunship and stepped on board the transport, before the doors sealed shut and they flew away from the temple. "You weren't outside." Jaika commented, recalling his previous statement that he would speak to her when she was done with the meeting. Anakin scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah, Master Windu had some things he wanted to say to me. But I'm here now. I'd hate for you to go without saying goodbye." Anakin admitted, making Jaika send him a gentle smile. While she looked at him, she could sense a strange aura around him. He was happy, delighted about his possible future and his expected child; but there was an aura which disturbed his tranquility. He had already told her about his dreams, but it seemed as if something else was at play. "Anakin, what's wrong?" She asked, looking up at him with worried eyes.

He looked down at her for a couple of moments, realizing how quickly she managed to uncover his emotions. Anakin sucked in a breath, forgetting how talented Jaika was at sensing his emotions. He recalled during his training, when they were galaxies away he would sense her presence ever so slightly, faintly stirring in the distance. She was a powerful Jedi and her empathic skills solidified that. The ten years they had spent apart had told Anakin and the Jedi Council that the twins had a connection which dug deeper than the physical world; and the female Skywalker had surpassed other Jedi with her empathic ability. Anakin sighed, "It's my mission." Anakin started, "It's wrong, the Jedi are wrong. The Chancellor is a good man, how could the Council be suspicious of him?" He expressed.

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