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19 BBYCoruscant, Core Worlds

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19 BBY
Coruscant, Core Worlds

An unclean feeling stirred against Jaika's skin. She never liked being in the Senate building, it always filled her with an ill feeling. She wished to be anywhere else, but she had a duty to fulfill and a brother to find.

Jaika continued to step through the Senate, navigating herself through the bending halls. A group of Senators left one of the side rooms from beside where Jaika walked, as groups of uninteresting men murmured around her, continuing their petty rallies. A sudden gasp caught Jaika's attention, "Master Jedi, I did not expect to see you here." A startled voice called out, making Jaika gaze up towards Organa, who caught his breath. She somehow managed to scare him. Jaika did not know her presence was that terrifying.

Master Jedi? Jaika hummed in amusement as the Senator assumed her status. "Please, Senator, call me Jaika." She requested, as the kind man smiled back down at her. He always knew the female Skywalker twin to be the less formal of the two when it came to the ranking system. "If that's the case, you can call me Bail." He answered back, earning a smile from the girl. She assessed the man, noting his rather mixed aura as her presence cheered up his once distant mentality. Jaika raised an eyebrow. "Let me guess, constant squabbling over the same issues without thinking to formulate a proper plan?" Jaika questioned, predicting that the other Senators were throwing statements towards each other without thinking of a solution to the problem. 

Bail raised an eyebrow before smiling, "You are correct." he nodded, surprised that the Jedi managed to pick up so many clues from just looking at him. Jaika hummed in delight, before she remembered why she was in the Senate in the first place. She went to take a step away, before she looked back towards Bail. "Look out for yourself, Senator. I fear that these walls could become our own enemy if we're not careful." Jaika warned, sensing the deception of many politicians. Bail simply smiled back at her and bowed his head, taking on her warnings before the two of them parted ways. 

As she continued through the halls, a familiar figure stood in the distance, arguing with an older Senator. The woman with the many elaborate hairstyles, argued against the Separatist politician while a couple of other Senators stood beside her. Jaika watched from a distance, leaning against a wall as she watched the free entertainment with a smile. The man stormed off, leaving Padmé with a Chandrilan Senator. 

Padmé felt eyes on her, making her pause her conversation with the other woman as she turned around and laid eyes on the Jedi that she had not seen in many months. "Jaika? What are you doing here?" Padmé asked, as Jaika smiled back at her and walked towards her. The girl approached Padmé as the two of them trapped each other in a tight hug, having gone way too long without seeing each other. "Watching you demean older Senators." Jaika shrugged as she took a step back from Padmé. The Chandrilan Senator spared Jaika a curious glance before she walked away, leaving Jaika and Padmé to catch up. 

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