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19 BBY

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19 BBY

Sullust, Outer Rim

The cruiser launched out of hyperspace and into the Sullust System. Jaika stood by the observation windows and laid eyes on the Separatist blockade, as her panic began to rise. But the Jedi knew she could not show it, she must not let her emotions take advantage of her. Jaika sucked in a deep breath before she turned around and walked up to the briefing table, where Wolffe and a couple other troopers were stood. 

Admiral Coburn walked past Jaika and yelled out commands for the crew, who began to press various buttons. Jaika watched as they drew in closer to the planet, as the battle stations and the dreadnaughts grew bigger. Their shadows casted a darkness into the observation deck, as strategists yelled out commands. Wolffe sighed from beside her and walked up to the Admiral, "Open fire! We need to damage their forces, break through any crack in their blockade." Wolffe suggested, earning an agreed hum from the Admiral who redirected orders.

Jaika observed the map as they neared the Separatists, while the two Republic cruisers opened fire onto the vessels. She watched as the smaller vessels exploded and broke apart, their debris tangling with surrounding ships. The battle stations stuck to the back of the blockade while the cruisers were up front, unloading heavy fire. Jaika's eyes morphed into an expression of realization, while the troopers around the table looked to her for advice. "What are you thinking, General?" Boost questioned, tilting his head as he observed her wide eyes. 

Wolffe gazed over his shoulder and approached the conversation. "They plan to weaken us. They want us to focus on the dreadnaughts and tire us out so that the battle stations can over power us when we are vulnerable." Jaika expressed, as the door to the bridge swept open and the two other Jedi walked in. General Prine watched the outside battle with an apprehensive expression, while Navess's eyes morphed into a fearful expression. 

"I would not put it past them to use such a strategy. What is your plan?" Comet agreed, as he recognised the look in her eyes. He had worked with Jaika enough to know that an idea was formulating in her mind. "We need to send out a squadron to weaken the stations and their fighters. We need to utilize every strategy that we can think of to break through their barrier." Jaika suggested, as she peered up towards Wolffe. The Commander did not say a word as he remained still in thought. It was risky, but so was their current position. Wolffe weighed their options and gazed down to Jaika, before sending her a nod. "I will contact Warthog to lead a squadron." Wolffe announced and pressed a button on his wrist as he turned away. 

Jaika gazed out the window once again, observing the severity of the opposition's forces. "I'll assist the squadron." Jaika announced, making Wolffe turn back to face her. Although he wore his helmet, Jaika could tell that he was looking at her wide eyed. Wolffe let out a heavy breath. "General, with all due respect, I cannot let you do that. It is too dangerous, you can see how heavy their blockade is." Wolffe reasoned, while the two other Jedi peered between the pair. Master Prine glanced towards Jaika with unsure eyes. "Which is why I will help, like you said, it is too dangerous, I cannot let our men tackle that on their own." Jaika countered.

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