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22 BBY

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22 BBY


The monitors in the Jedi star-fighter let out a chain of beeps as the blue portal of hyperspace dissipated before the planet of Coruscant shot into view. Jaika smiled slightly, as she was somewhat relieved to be back home. The girl was in a dire need of rest, as she had been moving around from planet-to-planet nonstop for the past week.

Three Naboo star-fighters joined Jaika's side as they flew into Coruscant's orbit. The girl steered and spun the fighter as her ship entered the atmosphere, flying through the rather cloudy sky. It was an unusual sight to see, as Coruscant was usually sunny and bright, even early in the morning which Jaika guessed that was what the current time was.

As her ship lowered through the thick clouds and into the city, where the landing pad hovered central to the skyscrapers; an eerie feeling started to churn within Jaika's stomach. The girl frowned slightly as her ship descended towards the landing platform. Why she was getting a strange feeling as she entered the city, the girl had no idea.

Once her ship's landing gear landed on the platform leaf that she was assigned to, Jaika instantly shut down her ship's controls and almost threw her headset off. Pulling the lever, Jaika instantly opened the hatch of the ship and jumped out of the ship and onto the metallic surface of the platform. Jaika noticed Padmé's ship touch down in the next platform leaf next to hers. A large shadow cast over the platform when the Nubian slowly lowered onto the platform, the onlooking buildings reflecting off of the ship's mirrored exterior.

When the Jedi noticed the Senator descend off the side of the yellow fighter, Jaika walked swiftly towards her friend, with C1-X rolling behind her. Padmé who still had her leather helmet on, moved away from her fighter and reunited with Captain Typho who took his off , letting out a relieved breath. "We made it. I guess I was wrong, there was no danger after all." Typho expressed, making Padmé glance towards him before turning her attention back to the Nubian when the ramp lowered onto the platform.

The eerie feeling that was sat in Jaika's stomach started to swarm her insides once again, shivers gliding up her spine as goosebumps shriveled down her arms. Jaika stood close to Padmé, making sure that she was close to the Senator in case she came under attack.

The Naboo woman who acted as Padmé's decoy, started to descend the ramp dressed in white and wearing a serene aura. The woman was followed by a handmaiden and couple of guards who accompanied the woman's assistance. As the woman reached the bottom of the ramp, a blinding light swarmed the platform before an explosion was set off, sending a shock-wave across the platform. Jaika, Padmé and Captain Typho were thrown onto the ground of the platform.

Jaika let out a small groan before rolling onto her side, her eyes landing on the Nubian that was sat in flames, decorated with black ash and tar. Widening her eyes, Jaika quickly pulled herself onto her feet just as Padmé and Captain Typho started to recover from the blast. Jaika quickly turned to Padmé and held out her hand, helping her onto her feet as she also laid eyes on the explosion.

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