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19 BBYViidaav, Mid Rim

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19 BBY
Viidaav, Mid Rim

The gunship shook as explosions echoed in the sky around them. Jaika peered through the thin slats on the sides of the ship, watching as they descended closer to the dry and rocky desert. Another explosion detonated outside the ship, rocking the gunship as Jaika was knocked backwards. The girl tripped and collided into Obi-Wan, who was quick to hold her up and catch her. Jaika gazed up to his eyes, as he looked down at her.

The ship lowered to the ground, making the two Jedi step away from each other; their eyes never leaving each other. The world around them faded as the loud explosions echoed silently as they were both lost in a trance. Another major battle which could claim many lives. Jaika wished she knew which battle would claim theirs, so she could predict how long they had left. Despite them both living their secret life in the shadows, there were some things that were unspoken between them.

Jaika was broken from the trance once the door to the ship swept open. She tore her gaze away from Obi-Wan as the clones jumped from the ship into the trenches that had been dug by the battalion that had arrived before them. Jaika jumped from the ship and landed beside a couple of troopers, as she inspected the many injured clones that walked past her. Alpha rolled by her side, as he beeped out a coo as he too felt disturbed by the amount of casualties around them. The droid had worked closely with the clones, so he too developed a soft spot for them. Specifically the injured clones around them who wore grey armor which matched Alpha's paint scheme.

Their informant told the two Jedi that the current mission had turned sour. The Republic forces were ambushed and were forced to retreat by a couple of miles and they were in dire need of reinforcements, hence Jaika and Obi-Wan's presence, along with the 212th. Obi-Wan appeared beside Jaika, as he sent her a small smile as their hands very briefly brushed over each other's. The small physical contact caused an electric current to shock through her skin.

Obi-Wan pushed through the makeshift door to the briefing room of the trench, as he walked inside with Jaika and Alpha behind him. Jaika's eyes lit up the moment she laid eyes on Plo, who spoke quietly with Wolffe. The two Jedi reached the wise Kel Dor, "Master Kenobi, Jaika, I am grateful for your service to this battle." Plo praised, as he gazed down at Jaika, sending her a small nod. Even though his face was hidden by his mask, Jaika knew him well enough to know that he was smiling at her. "Things had taken a turn for the worst. The Separatists had gotten their hands on information which contains many Republic bases, as well as defenseless home worlds. Our sources tell us that they plan to broadcast said information across all Separatist channels. If they find out those locations, there is a chance that the war will take a turn for the worst and it would be irreversible. The scale of the war would multiply by ten fold. We need to get to the control tower, which is in the centre of their capital and stop the broadcast before it happens." Plo explained, as Jaika frowned in worry.

Wolffe approached Alpha and knelt down in front of the droid, feeding a data card into his system. Alpha was quick to project what Wolffe had given him, which showed a map of the city and its outskirts. The girl was quick to acknowledge the many civilian areas that surrounded the control tower. "We have not been able to evacuate the Viidaav, as the scale of the Separatist's forces were too strong, we were quickly overpowered. They were ready for us." Wolffe explained, as an animation of the many battle droids was shown to push them back into the trenches. The clone Commander observed the map, as Cody walked into the meeting. "Sorry to interrupt Generals. I've just decoded a transmission from one of our Republic spies. They believe that General Grievous is here." Cody informed, as he gave Obi-Wan an information slip. 

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