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32 pages and almost 8,000 words. Here's what you've been waiting for. I hope you enjoy!

Life is full of changes. Some describe those changes as rollercoasters. There are hills and valleys to get through. Some are tough journeys while others are minuscule. Nonetheless the rollercoaster of life is filled with many lessons that sometimes are ignored starting an endless cycle of tests and trials. Adrienne and Diane have learned to accept them. Rolling with the punches some may say but it's deeper than that. They choose to feel, They choose to reflect, and they choose to evolve. It may be easier said than done but gratifying when it's all said and done.

" I can't believe my baby is about to walk across that stage." Diane gushed as she peered at the huge stage before her. She was holding on to her youngest hand as they looked for their stadium-like seats.

" It was just yesterday, she was graduating from high school now she is graduating college." Jason beamed right along with his wife.

" There right here daddy." Seventeen year old, Charity spoke, spotting both Emery and James. The twins bolted past Charity to get to the seats first in order to sit next to James.

"Ugh. You little.." Started to scold the twins for bumping into her.

" Aht Aht, Watch your mouth." Diane corrected, Charity has been in the habit of cursing at the boys. Whether it's intentional or not, she's trying to teach her kids to lead with grace and to not condemn with negative words and energy." Boys do not push and shove, we are all going to the same place."

"And ladies first, even if it's your sister." Jason, chimed in.

" Mhmm ladies first." Jace grinned as he looked up at Diane. "You go first mommy."

The twins apologized to Charity, allowing Charity to go first. Once she got to the seats, she greeted both James and Emery before letting the twins sit next to James. The twins, Michael and Marcus are eleven years old and are in the phase of wanting to mimic whatever the older guys did.

Diane smiled at how quickly her kids adjusted and got comfortable in her seat , if this was a few years ago she knew someone would end up in tears. Now that she learned to listen and be more open with her kids' needs, her parenting style reflected it. Sure, her kids tested her patience and her intelligence, but she could love them through it as she loved herself more. Disciplining her kids has become easier as well. Diane nor Jason had to do much to get their kids in line, just one look was all that was needed.

One summer, Charity put her parents through hell with her behavior. Her attitude was more prevalent than usual. Grant it, Charity was always a feisty one, but it got to the point that her joking became blurred and the disrespect grew. Diane found her punishments weren't working as she got older. She was getting too old for spankings and grounding didn't seem to go anywhere. Diane, experiencing similar situations with Adrienne, always wanted to talk things out but that didn't work either. When Jason stepped in, the main one who is keen on discipline, Diane definitely thought Charity's attitude would subside.

It didn't. It got worse even.

Charity breaking Jason's heart by screaming " You're not my dad" was a type of heartbreak they weren't ready for. It took everything in Diane not to go back to screaming and yelling back Charity's faults. Don't get it twisted, Diane came in like fire burning through oil, behind Jason but She took the time to see Charity's pain. It was evident in her clothing designs. They were dark and lacked depth. The stitching of her Father's birth name became skewed. Chance was Charity's brand ever since she was a kid. Her behavior screamed "I'm hurting and I'm allowing my so-called friends to cloud my judgment". " I'm hurting and don't know how to express myself so I'm acting out."

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now