Chapter 21

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Heads up, I am changing some details in the story that might be confusing. I noticed that I never clarified a time frame for the story. Adrienne's birthday in the book was November 17 but I am changing that to september. It is currently, February in the book. This way adrienne and derek have been together roughly 5 months. I mentioned Diane's birthday in a early chapter, I am changing that as well. For the sake of this chapter we are 1 week away from Diane's birthday and 2 weeks away from Adrienne taking Diane to court.

If there's any questions or concerns please feel free to ask.


Ever since Diane got served papers she's been on edge. She read the letter over and over, backwards and forwards trying to get an understanding of all of it. She couldn't believe that Adrienne would go as far as reporting emotional abuse. There was no doubt in her mind that the courts will fall for it with her criminal background.

She was currently sprawled out on the bed with her laptop researching on what she can do to fight this. Abuse is a serious thing so she knew that child protective services would get involved so she had to prepare. There's a lot of stuff that she needed to do in such little time.

For one she had to find another job. Technically, she still worked at the club even though she took off for a few weeks, but that got her in this mess in the first place. She had plenty of money saved but she felt it would be better to have a cookie cutter job to show that she more than the club.

Diane sighed in frustration and hurt. She wanted to all of this to be over and have her baby back home with her. She heard the water from Jason's shower turn off and decided to busy herself again. He's been giving her these sad worried glances ever since she got the papers. It was beginning to annoy her but she tried her hardest not to let it show.

" Is Charity taking the bus home or should I go get her?" Jason said from the closet that was apart of the ensuite. Somehow his clothes ended up taken up half of Diane's closet and drawer space. Then some time ago Mommy's room became Mommy and Daddy's room.

"Bus." she said loud enough so he can hear than glanced at the time on her laptop." She should be home any minute now."

Jason sounded like he was closer as she listened to him fumble around, humming to himself. Diane knew exactly what he was trying to meddle to see if she was okay or not by not asking. Jason is not stupid, he knew he was working her nerves by how her nose would flare and how her eyes were inching to roll. Her facial expressions are very animated so he thought it was funny how she tries to put up a front.

Tuning Jason out, Diane went on Adrienne's instagram page, something she tends to check almost everyday, thanks to Emery for helping her find it. Diane was never the type of parent to snoop on her kids, but this was the only way she could see if Adrienne was okay. A lot of the posts she had already seen but there was one new post from the day before. It was a picture of Adrienne wearing a two piece set and shades.

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