carriage ride

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The carriage was quite high, so Pedri helped me climb up. I couldn't wait to get to the hotel and head home. Paris is beautiful, but I'm very tired. It was quiet during the drive. I was looking at the floor. Suddenly the driver broke the silence.

"And how long have you two been together. A year, two longer?"
"Ha?" I raised my head in disbelief.
"We are not in a relationship, we are just colleagues." Pedri answered for both of us.
"Anttonio always knows such things. When I say that someone is for each other. They are always for each other. And you two. I can see in your eyes that you are soul mates. And the eyes, the eyes never lie."
"Well, it seems that you are wrong this time, it happens to everyone that they are wrong sometimes." I answered.
"Do you really want me to believe that you ordered a ride around Paris on Valentine's Day for no reason?" the driver asked again. Valentine's Day? I didn't even know that today is Valentine's Day. 14.2? Really?
"Just a coincidence," Pedri replied.
"If you say so, but remember Anttonio is always right." The driver laughed and continued to pay attention to the road. Pedri and I continued to sit in silence. That day was quite cold. I only had a shirt on, so it was quite cold. You could even say that I was shaking from the cold. Pedri probably noticed because he covered me with his jacket. That warmed me up a bit.

The drive did not last too long and we quickly arrived in front of the hotel. In front was our bus, and in front of the bus was Xavi and Maria. I looked at the clock and realized that we were over twenty minutes late. Oops. I quickly jumped out of the carriage and headed towards the bus. Pedri started to follow me, but the driver called him. Probably something about payment. When I got to Xavi and Maria, I apologized for being late and headed towards the bus with Maria. Xavi was a bit angry, but after yesterday's victory he couldn't be too angry. Maria took the same seats for us as before, which was great for me. Pablo T. and Balde sat in front of us again. Balde's leg has improved a lot and will probably be fully recovered by the next game. I was very happy for him. During this time we spent together, we became quite close.

*Pedri's pov*

I started towards the bus, but Anttonio (the driver) stopped me. I turned around and he already had a serious expression on his face.
"Yes?" I asked.
"What's going on between you two son?" he asked me. I didn't really understand him very well.
"I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I understood you best."
"You understood me. You like her, don't you?"
"'s complicated."
"Listen, son, when I was young, around your age, I made a big mistake, a mistake I still regret today." For some reason I felt suffocation inside me, I felt sorry for this man.
"What mistake?" I asked as my voice cracked.

"You shouldn't look to the past but to the future. But I will tell you about my mistake. At that time I was young. Everything didn't matter to me. There was a girl. I loved her very much. I thought I had time and I would marry her . But I didn't have time. While I was waiting for the right time, someone else married her. When I found out, I couldn't bear it. She took a part of me with her. A part of me that will always be missing. I don't want that to happen to you, son. ."

I was taken aback by his story.
"I'm very sorry for you, but I don't love Sofia. I can't love her. She doesn't know it, but she broke my heart a long time ago, which has not been repaired until now. And I think it will never be repaired again."
"As I said before, you don't need to look into the past. You're young, but that doesn't mean you have time."
"Thanks for the advice, but she and I will never happen. I don't like her."
"The way you look at her. You must see all the stars of the galaxy in her. The same way I looked at my Julia. Don't make the same mistake I did. Listen to your heart."
"Thank you." I thanked Anttonio and headed towards the bus and Xavi, who was already waving his hands at me and yelling at me to hurry up.

I entered the bus, Pablo was waiting for me with a saved seat next to him. I quickly looked around the bus to make sure we were all there. Or maybe I was just checking to see if Sofia was there and if everything was okay with her. I was still in shock after those words and the story that Anttonio told me. Gavi was saying something to me, but I couldn't even hear him because of my thoughts. I think I might even have felt a little dizzy.

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