One Chance

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Ally's POV:

I woke up the next morning to my phone vibrating. I felt something on my waist and saw Y/N's arm wrapped around it. I quickly checked my phone before it woke her up. I had tons of texts from the girls, all asking where I was. I responded to all of them telling them I spent the night with Y/N.

One text caught my eye.

Troy: Call me please.

I sighed I've completely forgot about my boyfriend. Y/N has been all I've thought about, I forgot we were still together.

I unwrapped myself from Y/N and walked outside of the room to call Troy.

"Hello?" He answered. "Ally? What's up you haven't talked to me."

"I'm sorry. It's been pretty crazy over here."

"Is everything alright?"

"It's fine. We've just been hanging out with some of the athletes and going to the competitions. I guess I was in my own little world." I laughed.

"Oh well I'm glad you're having fun at least. I just wanted to make sure everything was alright. Your fans over here are worried. No one you girls have tweeted." He laughed.

"Guess we've all been in our own little world."

"Hey good morning Ally." Alex waved as she waved out of her room.

"Good morning Alex." I smiled and waved back. She waved into Y/N and Kelley's room.

"Who's Alex?" Troy asked.

"Alex Morgan. Female soccer player for the USA. I've been hanging out with the Women's National team."

"Oh. That's actually really cool." He said. "So I'll let you go have fun. I'll see you when you get back?"

I nodded but remember we were on the phone. "Yeah you will."

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too. Bye." He said bye and we hung up. I sighed.

Your POV:

I woke up to an empty bed. "Morning." Alex said.

I jumped a little. "When the hell did you get in here?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Few minutes ago." She smiled. "So Ally spent the night?" She smirked.

"Yeah. Did she leave?"

"I don't know. She was out front on the phone with someone." She shrugged.

"Guys shut up." Kelley mumbled.

"Get up!" Alex jumped on her bed.

"Don't hurt yourself Alex." I paused. "You know AGAIN!"

She glared at me. The door opened and Ally walked in. "Hey sorry I had to call someone."

"Everything good?"

She looked at me. "Perfect. I should probably go." She got her things together. "Rehearse for the closing ceremonies tomorrow."

"You guys are performing again?" Kelley asked finally up.

"Yeah. They really like us here." Ally smiled.

"Well go do your thing." I smiled. She made eye contact with me and looked down.

"Yeah." She nodded and walked to the door. "Bye."

I was a little confused but brushed it off.

New Text! Nate

I rolled my eyes.

Can we talk?

I guess

My phone started to ring. "Hello?" I sighed.

"Hey." He said. "I'm sorry. For everything. I messed up, I know that. I hurt you and became a total douche. Calling you and texting you all the time. That was stupid, I should've given you space." He stopped. "But please. Y/N please just give me another chance. I realized how stupid I was by losing you. I'll be a better boyfriend this time I promise."

I looked down. "I don't know."

"Just one chance. One date."

"I'm not coming back for a month." I said.

"Open your door." He said and hung up.

I looked at the door and put my phone down.

"Y/N what's wrong?" Alex asked. I ignored her and walked to the door.

I turned the handle.

"Hey." Nate said from the doorway.

"Hey." I stared at him.

"One date. If you still want me gone, I'll leave you alone forever. Just one last chance." He looked at me with the same look I fell for the first time.

I sighed. "One date."

He smiled. "Tonight. And nothing fancy. I remember how much you hate fancy."

The fact that he remembered made me smile. "Then I'll see you tonight."

"Yeah." He released the breath he must have been holding. "Tonight. Bye." He waved and left. I shut the door but didn't move.

"What's up?" Kelley asked.

"I have a date."

"With Ally?" Alex asked.

"With Nate."

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