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Your POV:

"NWSL news. Y/N L/N offered contact by Arsenal. Reports say she has till the end of the month. Well kid, the month ends in 2 days. Where are you going for the new season?"

I sighed as I watched the TV. 

"Where ARE you going?" Normani asked sitting next to me.

"Where you going where you tryna go baby." Dinah laughed. "Sorry I'm back in those Reflection days."

"I don't know. I looked at the contract from Arsenal. It's a great offer but I love playing in Jersey." I looked at Lauren. "Oh wise one. Share some of your wisdom." 

Lauren took a sip of her drink. "You on your own bitch."

I laughed. "Lauren Jauregui ladies and gentlemen!"

"Thank you, thank you. I'll be here for the rest of the day."

"So what time are you meeting your dad?" Ally asked.

"I'm meeting Carlo at 2."

"You're meeting your dad?" Camila asked.

"I'm meeting Carlo."

"Your dad......" Normani trailed off.

"The guys who's sperm my mom used. He's not my father."

2 O'Clock came around and I left to go meet him. I went to the cafe and saw him sitting at the table. I kind of looked like him. Maybe just the eye color. "Y/N." He stood up. He smiled. "It's nice to meet you."

"You shouldn't have to be saying that." I said and sat down.

He sighed and sat back down. "I know you hate me." I scoffed. "But please just hear me out. When you were about 10 I saw you. At the bakery. You had this big smile on your face and had your soccer ball with you." He smiled. "I wanted to talk to you but I saw how happy you were and didn't want to ruin it."

I looked away. 

"3 years later I called your mother. I wanted to see both of you. She said you went to America. Then I saw you play with the national team and I was so proud. Your mother did a great job raising you. I wanted to talk to you because I want you to know that your father exists."

I nodded. 

"I'm not gonna try to make up for the lost years, or try to come back into your life. You clearly don't want me around and you're clearly fine without me." He smiled a little. "But if you ever change your mind or need anything. You know where to find me." 

I nodded. "I am fine without you." I looked at him. "I don't want you around but I wish you would be. You left us, with no explanation." 

"It was a one night stand." He said. "Me and your mother. I didn't know she was pregnant. I saw her on the street and she told me. We kept contact but we barely knew each other. Then I found out you were born. I was a screw up. I had no job, no money, no house, I couldn't support a baby." He sighed. "I did what I thought was best for you, and left. Your mother had the bakery." 

I shook my head. 

"She kept telling me she didn't need my help anyway. That she'd be fine without me and I knew she would be. I got a job and I sent my first 10 pay checks to her, for you."

"That's why she was crying that night."

"I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you and your mother over the years. Now you know why I left. If you still hate me and want me gone for good I'll leave right now and never talk to you again. But if you still want to talk sometimes, we can keep contact." He said. "I want you to know who I am." 

"I'm glad I know who you are." I said. "All my life I wondered who my father was and now I know." I smiled. He started to smile too. "He's a coward." His smile fell. "He's a scared little bitch who walked out cause he thought my mom could handle raising a baby by herself. She may have said she could, but you never saw how she struggled. The bakery was just barely enough to pay for our house! You didn't have to hear her cry herself to sleep. I don't want anything to do with you. It was nice meeting you but please. Never talk to me again." I got up and left.

I walked to my car and got in. I looked at the parked car in front of me. Tears formed in my eyes, but not from sadness. All the stress was finally built up. 

I knew what I needed to do.

Soccer Star (Ally/You)Where stories live. Discover now