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No One's POV:

The US ended up winning the game 4-3 with the winning goal coming from Julie Johnston. 

Now they have to wait to see who they face in the quarter-finals.

Your POV:

"No but like who would you rather face?" Tobin asked.

"Well not China." Kelley said. "They almost broke my face last time we played them."

Everyone laughed. "Don't be dramatic." Crystal said.

"I'm not being dramatic." Kelley pouted. "They did almost break my face!"

"That was so badass." I said joining the conversation. "I was watching at home and when that happened I screamed." 

"What exactly did you scream?" Kristie asked.

"I was with my host family." I thought about it. "So I saw Kelley holding her face and I just sat up and went "NO THEY HURT KELLEY!" and everyone got scared."

Kristie laughed.

"What happened next?" Christen asked.

"Then I saw the blood and I yelled "HOLY SHIT KELLEY'S BLEEDING!" and when the cotton was in her nose I just started laughing."

"Why would you laugh at that?" Kelley asked.

"Cause you looked funny. Your face when you were waiting to get back in the game." Everyone laughed.

"Yeah you had like these wide eyes." Kristie added.

We all laughed. "We have an opponent." Jill came into the room. "We will be playing England in the quarter-finals." 

We all nodded. "CHINA'S OUT!" Kelley screamed. She started dancing. "That's why they get for almost breaking my face."

"Also we got some news on Syd and Moe. Morgan will be joining us in training tomorrow. Sydney is out for the rest of the tournament. Her leg. So with that said Kelley we are moving you up as a forward. Kristie you will take Morgan's spot next match."

They both nodded.

We went out to explore since we had a day off. As a team, we all went out for dinner and returned to our hotel. 

I was now rooming with Tobin. 

We were watching highlights from todays game. My phone went off and it was a text from Jake.

Come outside.

I looked at it weirdly but got up anyway.

"Where you going?" Tobin asked.

"Outside for a minute." I said. I walked out to meet Jake. He stood with his back towards the door. "Jake." He turned. 

"Hi." He walked towards me. "You look amazing." He hugged me.

"Jake you're drunk."

"I'm drunk not blind." He laughed. "Let's go to my room."

"I have training in the morning."

He sighed. "Can't you just like skip or something? God all you do is play soccer. Relax for a while."

I rolled my eyes. "You're being an asshole. Talk to me when you get your head out of your ass and sober up." I walked back towards the door.

"What did you just say to me?" 

I kept walking. "You heard me loud and clear." I opened the door. "You're drunk not deaf." I walked inside. I got in the elevator and Jake ran in before the doors closed.

"You don't speak to me that way." He growled.

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