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As soon Patel left, Avneet also left with the appointment letter she called Siddharth.

Siddharth : hope you are fine mam?

Avneet : yes, actually someone kidnapped Patel's daughter, I am giving you address we have to save his daughter.

Siddharth : don't worry mam, I will leave her now.

Avneet : what?

Siddharth : yeah sorry mam, but I had orders to not to come to save you so I kidnapped his daughter to bring him here.

Avneet : oh god, why you did this... Siddharth this is really wrong how can you do this? (She is really angry to take such kinda step)

Siddharth : I did this to save you so nothing wrong in it.

Avneet : siddharth, you should accept it that you made a mistake, don't argue with me!!

Siddharth : mam, we will talk at hotel.

Avneet : listen....

Siddharth : I will listen to you but reach hotel safely first.

Avneet : I want you in my hotel room within 30 minutes and leave Patel daughter at her home.

Siddharth : I will left her at any safe place don't worry.

Avneet is really angry with Siddharth, but she can't deny this fact that he save her tonight.

Siddharth left his daughter at a safe place from where she can reach her home safely and came back to hotel.

Avneet is waiting for him and she is really so angry. She can't accept siddharth to take any illegal step to secure her.

And especially targeting anyone's daughter.

Avneet opens the door and Siddharth went in.

Siddharth : thank god you are fine.

Avneet : what the hell wrong with you? How dare you....

Siddharth : shut up. (In more anger)

Avneet : Siddharth... I am your...

Siddharth : I said shut up, can't you get it. (He pin her to the wall)

Avneet : what happened to you? (He is looking into his eyes)

Siddharth : how can you do this, I mean seriously why you want to risk your life every time, can't you understand my feelings.

Avneet : hey!!

Stay tuned.

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