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The rain was pouring heavily everyone was running here and there trying to find a shelter in this extreme weather...

But there was a boy ... Skinny body , pale face skin looks like first ray of sunshine and with the very unique blue hair which was making everyone turns heads once to see and observe this beauty .

But the said person was unbothered by all of the attention he was getting it wasn't even getting registered in his mind his whole concentration was on something else or more like he waiting for someone !!

His eyes were filled with hope and longingness ... Even this extreme weather wasn't affecting his determination .

He didn't knew how much time has passed ! For how long he was standing there ... his hope was demenishing but he was determined to see that someone who promised to come ...

A promise to spend a lifetime together..

The boy comes here every week without a fail just in a hope to meet him ...

Now the weather has also changed the rain has stopped for a while sky looks so beautiful with rainbows and small scattered clouds making it a mesmerizing beauty...

Everyone is happy to see this beautiful scenery but him .. He don't know how long he is standing there watching the gleeming sky ! The longingness to see his  lover has made him a stone ... A stone without emotions I mean that's what everyone says ..

But soon he was jolted by someone ..

"Tae how many times i have told you to atleast inform me before coming here ? I was so worried about you ! What are you doing here in this weather ? Tell me".

Taehyung turned around and hugged that person and said "Younghee noona please stop worrying about me ! I am fine and you know I can't miss it ... ".

"Taehyung-ah you do know he will not come right ? I mean come on its been 10 years .... How long are you gonna wait for him ? He lied to you about everything about that he will come . He will never come please stop this madness !! Stop torturing yourself i cannot see you like this please .. ". Younghee started crying while holding Taehyung's hands .

Taehyung very gently wiped her tears and said "My beautiful noona why are you crying hmm.. look am i crying ? And who said he lied to me ! No I won't  believe anything or anyone untill he himself comes and tell me that he lied not untill then .

Be it 10 years or 40 years I'll wait for him !! Because that's what I promised to do that i will wait for him .

Now come it's already late and if mother comes to know we are out at this hour and it's not gonna end well for us . " Taehyung smiled and said but both of them knew how fake that was !

Younghee looked at the sky and prayed "If you are there then please end my Tae's suffering please ! Send his love please ".

But will Taehyung's promise will be fulfilled will his love will come back !!


Hello lovelies 🌹🌹🌹🌹

I am back with another story and it's gonna be really fun so be ready for it ...

This is based in the time frame when their was no technology or means of transportation other than carts , horses .

Also it doesn't represent any Korean Traditions just some bits here and there taken from it so kindly don't relate anything to be true i modulated everything for my convenience .

Also this book is Mpreg so if you don't like such book then please don't read I'll appreciate it .

It's a top Kook again sorry if were looking for top Tae but this story suits for Top Kook but don't worry after this story I will write top Tae next 😊

So till then bye take care ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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