Chapter - 38

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It was a pleasant morning the whole family was having their breakfast as the wedding date has been decided which is after ten days so the preparations will start from today . Na Dook already declared that this wedding will be very grand it was Jeawa's wish to have a grand wedding for her Kookie and Tae so who is anyone to deny that .

But soon the calmness was broken as an over energetic person barged in with sickening smile which made Taehyung to roll his eyes .

"Oppa ... How are you ? ". Eunha's loud voice echoed .

"I am good Eun.. but how are you here ? You told me you would come next week ". Jungkook asked softly which didn't sit well with certain someone .

"Yes but i was missing you and Emo is fine now so i thought to come back ". Eunha said and sat comfortably next to Jungkook but soon she realised the whole family is here so she bowed and greeted them .

"Abeonim anneyohaeseyo.. you all are here i didn't knew is there something special ? ". Well it was surprising for Eunha to see the whole family together along with Younghee and it made her wonder what's the matter .

"Yes our Kookie is getting married in few days you didn't knew ? ". Na Dook asked to which Eunha shook her head timidly .

When did this happen ?

"But with whom oppa is getting married ? ". Well the question made alot of people in the room choke , spit their food WTF ! Is the question .

"Me ... It's me Koo is getting married ".

There was a pin drop silence for a moment and everyone knew it's wasn't an answer but a statement to reclaim what's his ..

"I think you already know Eunha that your oppa and I are getting married ! Isn't it ? Or did you have a memory loss or something ". The sarcasm was dripping in Taehyung's voice .

"I-i .. ".

"Leave it well now you know Jungkookie and I are getting married and you are most invited to our wedding ". Taehyung's words made Eunha shiver cause it wasn't sweet or soft but the calmness in voice was piercing through her soul .

"Come noona , hyung we have alot to discuss as jewellers must be coming ". With that Taehyung left the breakfast table making everyone's mouth fall agape as they never saw their Taetae like this before he is always very sweet and calm hardly loses his calm but damn the angry Taehyung is surely not to be messed with .

And Jungkook was too shocked to react what did just happen ? But his baby surely looks very hot when he is angry ..

Namjoon and Na Dook were were busy making guest list as they want a grand celebration so the Kingdoms with whom they have friendly relations with be invited .

On the other side Taehyung , Younghee , Jimin , Seok Ja and Jin were busy discussing the outfits and jewelleries with jewellers and Tailors who were specially called from Beakje and Silla as they are one of the best in the whole neighbouring Kingdoms .

"Hyung let me tell someone to bring Tea and snacks ". Taehyung said and went to kitchen as he already dismissed his hand maids .

But as soon as he reached he heard loud shouting and breaking sound so Taehyung immediately rushed inside to see what is happening .

As soon as he reached he saw a fuming Eunha shouting at the maids who were trembling in fear with all the cutleries broken lying around . Taehyung was beyond shocked to see this .

"What's happening here ?  ". With stern voice Taehyung said bringing everyone's attention .

"D-daegun ... W-we ". A maid tried to say but was unable to due to fear .

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