Chapter - 5

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It wasn't a morning yet ... The Sun was about to rise the birds were leaving their nest to start their day in a quest to find food and water for themselves and their kids ...

But it was enough to wake an ethereal beauty from his deep slumber a blue headed beauty woke up with a beautiful smile on his face ... It's been so long that he woke up this early that also on his own .

He hardly gets a good night sleep most the nights he is awake either sitting beside window and admiring the nights serenity or writing something.. but last night he slept so well , he didn't know when was the last time he slept like this may be when his Koo was there !

Taehyung left all of that thoughts and got up from his bed but not before making his bed , it has always been his habit to do his things on his own .

Well people generally thinks he is a royal so he might not have ever lifted a finger but that's has never been the case he likes to do his own things it gives him freedom even if it is as small as making his bed or cleaning his room .

Younghee often helps him in doing his works as she cannot let her little brother do everything . Then Tae looked at his noona .. he is so lucky to have her as his sister his noona ... she has been the only source of love and warmth in his life .

When everyone left him alone in his despair ... his parents , his sister and even the person who said he will never leave him alone left him ! Then only his noona was there to support him ... To understand him and he can never be enough greatful to her for all of that .

Taehyung went to his sister , the blanket was fallen off her body so he covered her properly caressed her hair and got up .

Taehyung was feeling so refresh today so he thought to go for a walk , after freshening up Tae went outside only to see how Sun was rising with its rays scattering all around covering the whole Earth .

It brought a smile on his face , the whole village was awake with children running around , women doing their household work and men leaving for their work .

After an hour of walk Taehyung headed back , it was still early morning and from today onwards his training will start so Taehyung thought to take a quick bath and be ready for the day .

The bathroom was on the back side of the house it was more like an open bathroom with a small well to draw water . Taehyung has never taken bath in an open space that also from a well but he can't do anything about it so started removing his clothes he thought who will come at this time so without giving it much thought Tae took off his upper clothes and started taking bath .

It was so refreshing for him he was quite enjoying his bath time but suddenly someone came in and.....

"Aahhhhhhh!!!!!.... ".

Loud shouting was heard ...

"Thief .. thief ... Someone save me please ! aaah.... !!!! ". Taehyung was shouting without looking anywhere .

He jumping up and down while keeping his eyes closed as if it will save him from his so called thief ... facepalms !

But then suddenly he was spinned around and was collided with someone's body and that made his eyes flew open !

"Ssshhhh !! Can you please calm down and keep your mouth shut aah .. jinjha I didn't knew people from capital are this noisy .. ". The said Thief muttered annoyingly while rolling his eyes .

And Taehyung he was lost !! When he led his eyes on the his alleged theif he was mesmerized ... His beautiful doe eyes , perfect pink lips and a cute mole underneath which was doing some charms on him ...

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