Chapter - 13

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There he was ! Standing infront of a place he used to call 'Home' ...

A place where he was born .. where he spent one of the most beautiful days of his life ! With his parents , his brothers .

A place where for the first time he met his 'love' ..

He clearly remembers he was just three at that time and his Taetae was five and when for the first time he came for his parents anniversary celebration .

How adorable he looked with his chubby cheeks but at the same time his  blue hair made him look like some fairy who came down to earth ..

Jungkook chuckles at the thought of how he ran to Taehyung and hugged him as if his life depends on it !

And on top of that he even kissed Taehyung's chubby cheeks more like sucked it !! Jinjha what an embarrassing moment was that !

He remembers how Taehyung's whole face turned red but even after that Tae held him close as if both of them are knowing eachother from ages ..

All of them were so happy he was pampered by his family so much but they didn't knew that something bad was lurking in the dark ! Trying to destroy their happiness ..

And that happened ! He remembers the day .. how can he forget ? The day when he was kidnapped ? When he was taken away from his family ..

He was just seven ! But those monsters didn't think about that ? That was his Namjoon hyung's birthday everyone was busy and no one realised when the little bundle of joy of their life was taken away from them !

Jungkook thoughts were broken by Ju hoon who shaked him to which Jungkook wiped his tears and held his arm and said "Come let's go ".

"But Hyung why are we here ? You said we have go someone important but this place looks like some Palace where King lives ! What are we doing here ? ". Ju Hoon was confused to see them standing infront of a Palace .

"Ju hoonie i want you to promise me one thing ! We are here for a very important thing so i whatever you are going to see inside may shock you but believe me i never wanted to hurt you and very soon i will tell you everything so please be patient hmm ..". Jungkook said to Ju hoon he knows that when Ju hoon will know about his reality he will be shocked and Ju hoon nodded in agreement .

Both the procedded and now they were standing infront of the gates of huge Palace .

Baekje Kingdom is one of the most flourishing Kingdoms of Goreyo not only in terms of wealth but also how profound and rich their culture is and they offer one of best institutions in the field of  education , they have scholars in the every field and not only that They are one of the few Kingdoms who treats women equal as men in all aspects of life .. that is the reason many kingdoms are jealous of them including Silla Kingdom .

Infront of the main gate many gaurds were standing and Jungkook knew he has to show his real identity he took a deep breath and went closer to them .

When one of the gaurds saw them he wondered who they might be ! Well they looked like some commaners who might have came to see the Palace or meet the King so the gaurd immediately went and stopped them

"Hey you both where do you thing you are going ? This is not some garden where you have came to take a stroll ! ". The Gaurd said sternly .

But what Jungkook did next made both Ju hoon and the gaurd shocked ..

Jungkook removed his jacket and showed his shoulders to the gaurd and when the gaurd saw he became speechless ! He immediately fell on his knees and said " Daegun !! ".

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