Chapter - 23

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A/N : This chapter will also contain talks about menstruation cycle in fertile male so if you are uncomfortable kindly skip and also i am not an expert in any thing related to topics related to menstruation so please don't be offended ..

And this book is a fiction so kindly take it as one i don't claim anything to true .. so enjoy :)


Can we say Time heals everything ! But i think it's just not time that heals but as the passage of time we forget the bad memories as new beautiful memories replaces them ...

Healing is a long process cause the pain , the scar that are embedded so deep in our heart and soul that to grow a new skin there takes time maybe that's why we say Time heals everything ..

We can say time did heal Taehyung and Jungkook not wholly but definitely to an extent that they opened their hearts to receive love ..

It has been six months .. six months of healing , growing and to forget their dreaded past !

It was not easy as Taehyung started his new journey to embrace his new identity which he never knew he had in him .

Yes he never felt like all those masculine men who likes to flex their toned body or how strong they are .. he never had those hard chest or muscles but he never thought a need to flaunt them .

His likes small things like dancing in the rain , reading a book on his window while admiring nature or simply spend some time in his beautiful garden .

But the past six months taught him so many different things about himself which he never knew were in him for instance he never knew he loves to wear those flowy floral dresses or to grow his hair and oh don't talk about his new found love for jewellery specially waist chain and anklets ..

He just loves the small sound it makes .

But it wasn't easy in the beginning .. it all started with his first period Oo God ! What day was that well he was busy playing chess with his 'new friend ' yep .. he made Na Dook his new play mate who plays with him all sorts of games like chess , hide and seek and God knows what ! Yes the King or should we say the former King of Beakje plays these games with his youngest son in law .

Oo right .. Na Dook is no longer King well he volunteerly retired from the throne as according to him now it's his time to enjoy the his life not be on the Throne do the boring stuffs so he crowned Namjoon as the new King who happily accepted as he knows his father needs some rest from all these responsibilities of the Kingdom and enjoy his life .

Well so does Jeawa did she crowned Jin as the new Queen and now both the former King and Queen are quite enjoying their life spending with their kids and sometimes traveling which they wanted for so long .

Okay we got diverted from our topic that was how our Taetae got his first period so he was busy playing with Na Dook in the garden suddenly he felt extreme pain in his lower abdomen and he immediately ran inside his chamber and locked himself .. he was sitting on the floor holding his stomach tightly the pain was excruciating his whole body felt as if it will reap apart and when he looked down horror filled his eyes the floor was wet with blood along with his clothes !

He screamed loudly tears started forming .. he hugged himself more tightly soon he heard harsh knocking on the door and he could hear Jungkook calling for him but his body gave up he can't stand .. after sometime the room was slammed  opened and a worried Jungkook came inside followed by Jin and Jimin who knew what happened but they left as they wanted to give the couple privacy .

His Highness ... (Taekookff) Royal Au Where stories live. Discover now