Chapter - 29

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Then he ran ... He ran to an unknown destination where no one could see him .. no one could see his tears .. no one could hear his loud cries ..

And he end up at the place which always provided him comfort and solace even in the most vulnerable phase .

It was already midnight the whole Palace was in their deep slumber but the sound of breaking of someone's heart was still not heard by anyone..

Taehyung was on the ground wailing his heart out wished all his pain flow away the way night is flowing .

Was he suffering of some sins he did in his previous life or his parents curse has finally started working..

How could he forget the way his Koo was looking at the way he used to look at him .. how can he unsee the concerns that was always there for him is now for someone else ..

How can he forget the way the person whose whole attention was always on his despite being in the room full of people hasn't even acknowledged his presence !

Has their bond finally broke .. has his love finally moved on ? Was this the end..

But then why can't he move on .. why his heart aches seeing the person who has always managed to be his center of his universe be happy with someone else ..

He should be happy right ? Finally Jungkook can have a life without him being surrounded by a person whose family has destroyed his childhood caused him immense pain .

No ... No .. he will be happy he has to be happy for him .. for his Koo .

Eunha seems to be a nice girl same age as his bunny .. beautiful Seems to have a lovely personality not a f*cked life as his nobody has to deal with baggage of his past all of them can be happy ..

And most importantly Jungkook don't have to look after her like him whose broken self always needs a emotional support he will be happy very happy ..

Taehyung looked at his reflection in the water his skeleton body , sunken eyes and diminishing soul made him laugh .. he laughed .. laughed like a resonance of his soul's crying .

He remembered how Eunha was looking like a blooming flower filled with youth and him ! He looks like he is just a day away from withering..

Everything happens for a reason and whatever is happening has a reason behind it his Jungkookie deserves better someone far better than him and Eunha seems to be that there is nothing to cry about that he will be happy very happy for his bunny who has suffered so much because of him and his family now no more..

Taehyung wiped his face with his shaking hands and made a very crucial decision a decision which is in betterment of everyone and with this new found determination Taehyung went inside covering his broken soul with a fake smile .

On the other side a disheveled person was running here and there searching for a particular person whom he unknowingly caused pain but to his dismay he is no where !

There is no sign of him in the whole Palace where he could be ?

Jungkook suddenly remembers a place which holds so much memories of them .. their love ..

Jungkook ran without a care of the world but when he arrived there is no sign of him but the air .. the sweet smell of his baby tells that he was there.. he was there moments ago ..

But was he too late !

Too late to come to him ...

Jungkook fell on the same place where Taehyung was crying his heart out .. the same place which still holds his love's tears .. Jungkook very gently touches the grass as of he can feel those touches the emotions came running after him he has tried to be strong to be a person who hides his pain and show a facade to the whole that he is happy but can he be happy ?

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