Chapter - 26

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Can fate be this cruel ! Two persons who are eachother's universe whose world revolves around eachother be happy without their core..

They thought finally all the worst days are over and now they can be forever in eachother's arms but they didn't knew it was beginning of their separation but will this separation ever last ..

It has been one month.. one month since Taehyung has smiled .. one month his eyes showed a glimmer of hope.. one month of him behaving like a mannequin which doesn't have any expression , any emotion in his eyes .

Taehyung's day starts very early or we can say he hardly sleeps .. sleep has left his eyes the day he left his Koo's world now it's just nightmares whenever he closes his eyes he only sees that distraughted face of Jungkook when he was telling him to leave or when he was blaming him or when he was having emotional breakdown relieving those horrendous moments of his past .

How things turned out to be like this .. where they fell this wrong that they have to separate their paths !

Weren't they suppose to live an eternity together they why ?

Now the only place which gives Taehyung some solace is the old bridge.. the same place where he used to wait for his love .. the same place in the whole Palace where he was free to feel feeling but now this place screams loneliness because now he cannot wait !

How can he .. when the person he was waiting for himself pushed him away from his life.. now how will he live his life this whole month has been the longest period in his life as if it was an eternity which isn't passing .

Suddenly it started raining as if the nature was also showing its grief in the  separation these two lovers .

Taehyung was still sitting on the grass washing away his tears with the drops of rain but then suddenly he heard someone's shouting his name and he felt deja vu ..

"Tae ! Oo God .. what are you doing here in such a weather ? Come on let's go you will fall ill ". Younghee yelled while dragging Taehyung inside who didn't say anything just let himself got dragged .

Inside Taehyung's chamber after changing Tae into comfortable warm clothes Younghee gave him some hot milk to warm him up after sometime when Tae was relaxed Younghee pulled him in tight embrace and lulled him to sleep .

Younghee doesn't want to ask any questions to her brother she knows what is going inside his mind lately she is witnessing his mental and emotional breakdown every single day .

Younghee caressed Tae's back who has slept in her embrace it's very rare to see him sleeping so Younghee never leaves him alone at night but after sometime Taehyung wakes up with a nightmare which scares him rest of the night .

Younghee looks at Taehyung's pale figure he has lost so much of weight in this past month the contrast between how he looked one month before and now is like day and night ..

How can Younghee forget the day when Taehyung was the front gate of the Palace but he was not alone he brought himself with a person who has knack of destroying others life .

When Younghee knew the whole story her blood boiled she wanted to throw Seok Ja out of the Palace but she stopped herself from doing anything that could trigger Taehyung whose condition was no better .

And things has gone to downfall since then she has written so many letters to Jungkook but not one was answered but Hoseok was able to contact Namjoon who informed that Jungkook left the palace same month and now he is in Liliath Kingdom making things normal as they didn't have any King or  Crown Prince so he is in search to find a suitable person who can run this Kingdom .

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