Chapter - 4

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"Hobi hyung ....!! ". A teenage boy was peeking through the door trying to find his hyung but was failed to do so .

He sighed and started leaving then suddenly he heard someone calling from inside , a smile adorned his face and he rushed inside .

"Hyung you were there inside I thought no one was there ! Where were you ? ". That said boy cutely complained .

"Forgive your hyung Ju hoon-ah ... I didn't heard you now tell me do you need something ? ".

"Ani .. I have brought some hottoek for you today Hyung made hottoek in breakfast and told me to give you ". He forwarded gently .

"Aah .. jinjha Waa ... that's so generous of him tell your Hyung that I thanked him ". Hobi smiled and showed gratitude .

" By the way Ju hoon-ah did you learn the lesson I gave you .. ". Hobi inquired .

"Yes hyung I learnt it you can ask me .. ". Ju Hoon replied with confidence .

"That's good to know that you are paying attention to your studies but I will listen to it tomorrow so now go and play okay and one more thing Ju hoon-ah you don't need worry about other things we all are there for it okay you just enjoy your life now go .. ". Hoseok playfully ruffled Ji Hoon's hair .

"Okay hyung annyeong .. ". Ju Hoon said and started leaving but then ..

"Aa.. I forgot Ju hoon tell your Hyung to meet me in the evening okay .. ".

To which Ju Hoon nodded with smile and went .

Okay so let's know their story ...

When Jungkook came to this village at the age of 10 , he was all alone with no money or family on top of that he had a kid with him so no one gave him shelter or food .

He was somehow managing by working in a nearby inn , one day when Hoseok was visiting that village and at that time he was working with the King as his counselor .

Hoseok was amazed to see a teenage boy working so hard so he talked to him and offered him help but Jungkook being a prideful boy rejected the offer but that seem to impress Hoseok even more . He persuaded him by saying that when he will grow up and earn money he should repay him .

That's how their friendship started ...

Few years down the line when Hoseok's family was banished because of false accusations and his family had no where to go ! It was Jungkook who gave them shelter and that was the beginning of a new relationship .

And now Hoseok lives in the village after few months Hoseok purchased his own small house by the money he earned through teaching and now he has also opened a small school where he teaches kids and young adults and for Jungkook he always liked doing Pottery and painting so now he makes different utensils and sells them in the Market . That's how they all are living their peaceful life .

But after one year when few soldiers came looking for a boy , they had a portrait of teenage boy but when Hoseok looked at the portrait he being smart he understood who this kid was ...

But instead of telling soldiers truth he told them there was no one in this village looking like this ..

Hoseok knows if Jungkook has disguised himself and is hiding in this village then there must be a strong reason behind it . When he asked Jungkook about it at first Jungkook got scared and was afraid to tell the truth but slowly he realised that Hoseok is his friend and he will never betray him .

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