Chapter - 9

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Later in the evening when Taehyung returned he was drenched in rain , his face was pale and body was blazing hot ! Younghee immediately changed his clothes and wrapped him in a warm blanket but soon after Tae fell unconscious due to high fever that made Younghee panicked she immediately called General Sun and Hoseok who brought a local physician with them , after checking the physician said that Taehyung had high fever due to staying longer in rain and after proper rest he will be fine .

That made everyone feel slightly better that it wasn't something serious .

Next day when Ju Hoon knew about Taehyung's illness he came running after and sticked to him whole day not leaving Tae even for a minute that made Younghee felt happy to know that his brother has someone he lean to ..

But it she felt weird to know not once Junghoo came to ask for Tae's health he must've known by now that Taehyung is ill but still he didn't come !

And from last few weeks the relationship between Jungkook and Taehyung has improved so much as they often spend alot of time together infact most of the time you'll find them either cooking something or discussing some assignments given by Hobi . Hoseok thought to make them study together as he knows that both of them are going be the future of their Kingdoms .

But she shrugged off and thought he may be busy or something .

After few days Taehyung recovered but his bubbliness and smile was gone ! now he doesn't spend his time in playing games with Ju Hoon which use to love the most or his new hobby that is to learn cooking , most of the days he spend either studying or just sitting idly looking at emptiness ...

When Younghee sees this it reminds her of 7 years old Taehyung ... The Taehyung who was distraughted to know that his Koo left him ! The emptiness ... The void of happiness in his eyes reminds her of the same Taehyung and that scares the hell out of her .

She can't see her brother going through the same thing again but before that she has to know the reason behind it .

There must be something that has made Taehyung like this once again but everything was fine just few days back so what must have happened !

Younghee tried to remember all the things that has happened in the past few days she remembers Taehyung became like this after coming from his horse riding lesson which he must have been with Junghoo . So he must be knowing the reason behind it or more like he might be reason behind and infact the reason of Junghoo's not coming even once to see Taehyung says alot .

Younghee's mind filled with lots of ifs and whats so she decided to talk to Junghoo to clear everything out .

At night after tucking Taehyung to bed Younghee went to Jungkook's house , after knocking for few minutes Jungkook opened the door he was surprised to see Younghee at this hour but still he welcomed her with smile .

After settling down in the living room Jungkook asked her for tea which she refused as she just had dinner .

Younghee was staring at Jungkook blankly which was making him conscious about what might be the reason for her arrival .

After sometime Younghee said "Junghoo from the day we arrived both you and Ju hoon made us feel so homely and I cannot be thankful enough to both of you for making my Taetae happy but the things happening to my brother in these past few days is scaring me , he is not the same as he was before infact he suddenly got wet in rain and from that day he has stopped being the bubbly baby he is .. he doesn't smile , he doesn't play like he used to do .. he is just cooped up in his avoiding all sorts of interactions .

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