Chapter - 42

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Two years later....

The morning seems to be usual but ask only the ones inside the Palace they will definitely differ in the opinion .

The maids were running here and there making sure everything is put together specially according to the test of their Queen...

"Resoo did you bring the lilies and tulips from the garden ? ". The head of the maids asked .

"A-ani.. i forgot ". The said maid trembled at the thought of not bringing the flower oo God how can she forget ! The Queen will definitely not be pleased .

"How can you forget such an important thing ? You know how much Jeonjung mama.. loves these flowers and if he doesn't find it his mood will be ruined .. ". Haesun the Queen's handmaiden exclaimed .

"I-i... ".

"Haesun it's okay don't scold the poor girl she must have forgotten i will get it myself ". And here comes our beloved Queen ... Clad in a traditional hanbok with hair half in bun half open dancing with the wind making him more ethereal... His honey tanned skin has become more prominent with a beautiful glow adorning his beautiful face making people too hard to not look at him but they can't dare !

Once a newly appointed soldier who was kept as one of the bodyguards of the Queen saw Taehyung and he got lost in that beauty well too bad The King saw him looking at his Queen and now the said soldier is serving in one of the sense forest kilometres away from the city .

Taehyung smiled at the trembling maid went towards his favourite place of this Palace well second most favourite place which we all know what is his favourite place . His entourage followed his quickly behind well in the beginning Taehyung strictly denied having more than a maid for himself let alone the whole entourage but as the months went by due to busy schedule of Jungkook our beloved Queen started feeling lonely in this big damn Palace so he accepted more people around him as they make him feel less lonely .

Jungkook does try to spend time with his beloved husband but he is a King and has alot of responsibilities which Taehyung understands well so he started engaging himself with more social work like helping women and children who had no one in this world of encouraging people about education .

As soon as Taehyung entered the garden his mood lifted ten times he is feeling so fresh and lively he started plucking his favourite flowers making a bouquet . After few minutes he sat on the ground making his favourite flower crown gosh.. he loves making them it's like his daily routine thing and he makes it for one and only person .

"How does it look ? ". Taehyung chirped loudly making everything coo at him .

"Mama.. it looks so beautiful as always". Haesun said .

"Really.. Koo will like it ". Taehyung eyes twinkled at the name of his love .. his bunny .

"Ofcourse Mama.. you already know how much he loves these flower crown ". Heasun said how can she forget how much their King is whipped for his Queen he wears the flower crown made by his husband throughout the whole sometime even he goes outside wearing that .

"Okay then let's go and give him ". Taehyung exclaimed and got started leaving without even his slippers .

"Mama.. please wait atleast wear your slippers ". Heasun ran behind an overexcited Taehyung and made him wear his slippers and some other maid corrected his clothes well he is Queen and no one should dare a word against their Queen that he is not put together .

"Can we go now ! ". A bored Taehyung asked with pouty face .

"Ofcourse let's go ". Haesun said while chuckling who can deny this pouty baby whole Palace is so gone just for his one smile .

His Highness ... (Taekookff) Royal Au Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora