Chapter - 22

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The slow unraveling of his locks was lulling him back to sleep... It felt so soft the soft touches of fingers on his scalp the familiar scent of his favourite person ! Was it heaven ...

But the last night events broke his beautiful dream and he hastily opened his eyes to see the most endearing scene ever ..

His Tae baby is looking at him with a lovingly eyes ..

"Good morning Koo .. ". Taehyung said with low and gruff voice but his smile was defying all the pains he was feeling .

"T-tae baby ... ". Jungkook stuttered while painfully holding Taehyung's as if he will break any second .. he started caressing Tae's hands it softly while tears streaming his cheeks .

"Ssshh.. Koo see i am fine hmm.. don't cry love ..". Taehyung's heart was tearing apart seeing his Koo crying like this .

Taehyung doesn't know what has actually happened to him one time he was happily going to kitchen to get juice and the next moment he was feeling dizzy and suddenly his body gave up after that he doesn't remember anything .

Jungkook wiped his tears and smile slightly he whispered softly "Gwinchena .. i was so worried please don't be sick .. please ". With that Jungkook very tenderly kissed Taehyung's forehead.. then eyes.. then his cute but long nose which Tae very cutely scrunched then lastly his soft pillowly lips .

Which made Taehyung blushed madly .. he whined softly even Jungkook was surprised by his own actions but what they both didn't see as they were in their bubble was Younghee was looking at this most beautiful moment with a big smile on her face .

Despite feeling extremely shy Taehyung held his Koo's face but soon they heard someone's clearing of throat and then Jungkook realised Younghee was also their in room .

They both looked at Younghee as a child who stole cookies from jar which made Younghee brusted in laughter Oo God how cute they both are .

Jungkook ran away saying he is going to call everyone .

Younghee looked at her brother caressed his cheeks and asked "How are you feeling my baby ? ".

Tae leaned more to the warmth of her hands muttered slowly "I am fine noona .. when did you come ? ".

"Well if you wanted me to come then you could have simply said that you don't need to fall ill to make me come here ". Younghee gruffed .

"Sorry noona i troubled you and everyone .. ". Taehyung knew how the whole family must have been stressed about his health .

"Oo no no .. Tae bear don't think like that you can never trouble us you are our little bundle of joy ". Younghee pecked Tae's forehead how can she forgets that her brother is sensitive and his self confident is not that high .

Soon the room was filled with the loving family of Taehyung .. someone was seeing whether Tae was feeling pain anywhere .. someone was just looking at his loving family .

"Tae bear .. omo you look so weak don't worry eomma is here i will make all of your favourites . " Jeawa who was holding Taehyung like a child said worriedly .

"Eomma but you feed me so much that i can't walk ". Taetae answered with a pout .

"Don't worry Taetae our Kookie will carry you if you cannot walk .. what do you said Koo.. ". Jimin teased Jungkook and mimicked the way Taehyung calls Jungkook .

After sometime Kim Minsoo came with her team she checked Taehyung and said he was fine the antidote worked and now Taehyung is safe .

"Daegun' are feeling pain anywhere ". Minsoo asked politely .

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