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There was a knock on my door and I said, "Come in." "Hey babe." Ava's cheery voice rang though my room. I said, "Hey. Who's that? Please don't tell me you kidnapped someone again." pointing to the boy with a prosthetic leg she had by the wrist. Ava giggled saying, "I didn't this is my best friend Nathan Popper from across the street. Nathan this is my girlfriend Amanda." "Hey." He said. Awe he seems shy. I said, "Hi." Ava let go of Nathan's hand and closed the door coming to sit next to me. Nathan just stood there awkwardly. "Nathan you can sit down you know. We don't bite." I said. He gave a small smile and came closer to us sitting on my stool. "Hey you know you are kinda cute." I said. He looked down at the ground. Ava asked, "So Nate, did you find yourself another bitch yet?" He looked at Ava with huge eyes. Ava said, "Well I know about Kyle, Jackson, Jacob, Victor and Greg." "Well you missed Austin Clark. He was a jackass and basically raped me." He said. Ava asked, "And you are still involved with him?" Nathan shook his head no really fast and I said, "So you are gay." "Yeah." He said. Ava asked, "Okay do you got a bae or nah?" clicking her tongue. He said, "I do." "Who is it?" Ava asked. I laughed at her. She shoved me and I shoved her back. Nathan said, "Brandon." "Brandon Prince?" I asked in surprise. Nathan nodded and asked, "You know him?" "Yeah he's my cousin." I said. He asked, "You wanna go hang out with him? He doesn't live that far away, besides my Momma won't let me and I haven't seen him at all today." "Sure, I wanna meet him." Ava said. I asked, "Why doesn't your Momma let you?" "Because she hates the idea of us and his parents hate the idea of us, so you know forbidden love." Nathan said shrugging as we got up and headed to Brandon's house.

Nothing can break us apart (sequel to from prince to popper)Where stories live. Discover now